TI2 - 2022/23 - Must do - Moodle 4.1 - codebase prod-ready



Budget Epic Name

Moodle 4

Jira Epic

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Feature LeadMatthias Opitz

Dragos Suciu

Mehala Mithran

Continuation from TI1.

Moodle 4.2 requirements have been clarified and we will need to get our build compatible with PHP8 & MySQL8.

Scope for TI2 has been updated based on TI1 outcomes.


Moodle 4.2 will be released on the 24th April 2023, this is the major version UCL will be upgrading to (from 3.11), while a lot of effort has gone into fixing the UCL codebase since 3.9, the intermediary 3.11 upgrade and dev builds of Moodle 4.0/4.1 - 4.2 is the one we will go live with so will need a final push to deal with the remainder of the associated technical debt.

In Scope:

1) Finish the big maintenance fixes

Remaining list left to address includes:

  • report_editdates
  • cbm project (Mehala)
  • format_flexible

2) Add automated tests to 6 UCL plugins

Add appropriate Unit tests - the following manual test scripts are probably a good set to start automating as Behat - Bespoke UCL plugins- testing scriptsTests-MyFeedback

Stretched Objective

3) Once all the above is complete, we can start fixing remaining issues in unit tests & community plugins

i.e. the 208 errors in the PHP7.4 build which are likely to be broken tests rather than broken functionality 

4) With 4.2 official coming at the end of the TI, we should have a 42.preview instance spun up with the fixed up codebase so we can provide early access to UCL community to test out the finalised version.

Out of Scope:

Acceptance Criteria to include