External Examiners - giving them access to marked work

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External Examiners are issued with a UCL username and password - so (with guidance) they can access work directly in Moodle.

But you can use the approach below if you wish to share work securely outside Moodle e.g. because External Examiners need anonymised submissions after anonymity has been lifted in Moodle. Otherwise it's probably easier to give them access via Moodle (more on that below).

This guide describes just one approach to giving External Examiners access to students' work outside Moodle - namely SharePoint, Microsoft's file hosting service for anyone with a UCL username and password. There are alternatives.

External Examiners all have a UCL username and password - they just may need a reminder (see below).

ISD does not officially support SharePoint centrally, so please check with your Head of Department and with local IT support before adopting this approach, since the support model is different for every department.

How can I share marked work with External Examiners outside Moodle, using SharePoint?

You'll first need to download the inbox of student work from Moodle which:

  • Has been marked;
  • Optionally, is still anonymous (n.b. download this before the Post Date, at which time anonymity is lifted).

You may also download an exported spreadsheet of marks and summary feedback.

One way to share these with External Examiners is to create a folder for each External Examiner, and share submissions, marks and feedback with them there (along with any other local UCL staff who need access).

  1. Go to Sharepoint - http://www.ucl.ac.uk/sharepoint.
  2. Log in with your UCL username and password; the SharePoint landing page displays.
  3. Click on the icon for Office Online And One Drive For Business; your file space displays.
  4. From its menu, select New > Folder; enter its name (e.g. the Examiner's name, or the module name).
  5. To share, right-click on the folder and from the context menu select Share; a pane of settings displays.
  6. Start typing the name of the Examiner; matches from the UCL address book display and assuming the Examiner has a UCL username, their name will be among them.
  7. From the pulldown menu, enable Can Edit to allow Examiners to edit and upload to the Folder.
  8. Type a message with brief instructions or link to more detailed ones.
  9. Enable the Share Everything checkbox to extend the and Send An Email checkboxes.
  10. Finally click Share; the Examiner will receive an email to their UCL account containing a link to the folder.

What if the External Examiner doesn't have or can't remember their UCL login?

External examiners usually have special UCL accounts created for them by the Examinations team / Student Registry Services. The usernames have 7 characters e.g. uczrXXX (where XXX represent unique characters).

Or, as can sometimes happen, they may already have an active UCL computer account through a recent collaboration or a previous connection with UCL. 

If it has been a while since the External Examiner logged in, they may not know either their username or password. Below is how the department's Computer Rep can remind them of their username and prompt them to generate a new password.

For security reasons UCL staff need to use separate emails to send External Examiners their Username (one email) and the token to generate the password (another separate email).

Computer Rep finds out the Examiner's UCL Username:

  1. The Computer Rep goes to http://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/support-staff;
  2. They click on the blue button labelled: Computer Reps tool;
  3. They look up the Examiner by name;
  4. Using the External Examiner's own email address (i.e. not the UCL one), they email the Examiner the 7-character Username.

External Examiner, if already registered with MyAccount, re-sets their own password:

  1. Go to the MyAccount page - https://myaccount.ucl.ac.uk/
  2. Select the I do not know my password - I would like to reset it option. You will need to confirm your userid and the last 5 digits of your phone number, a code will then be sent to you allowing you to reset your password.

If the External Examiner has not registered with MyAccount, Computer Rep contacts Service Desk:

  1. Go to the ISD Service Portal https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/how-to/using-isd-service-portal-remedyforce
  2. Contact Service Desk through the MyAccount Staff registration request form (for new people), or Something’s not working (direct email to service desk confirming the identity of the examiner including their current mobile phone number).

What instructions will the External Examiner need?

Once the Examiner can log into UCL service and have received the email with the link to SharePoint, they should be able to use that link to log in with their UCL username and password.

You can give them instructions for your particular situation.


If your department has IT support, then approach that person.

To come: links to lynda.com videos.

Otherwise you can try ISD Service Desk but - see above - note that there is no central support for Sharepoint - supporter is devolved to departments.