Learning types and learning technologies - relating the two ('the wheel')

Draft work, but good for stimulating thinking.

In the attachment below, the circle is divided into segments which correspond to different types of learning activity - namely Acquisition, Collaboration, Discussion, Investigation, Practice and Production. This typology is based on Diana Laurillard's work at the Institute of Education, and we've taken these on as the basis of Arena Blended Connected Learning Design workshops that Digital Education Advisory team run with teaching teams in different departments - more about those on ABC LD blog. 

Those segments are intersected by concentric rings.

  • The central ring contains what we call UCL supported technologies - so that would be platforms like Moodle, Lecturecast, ReadingLists, UCLWiki, MyPortfolio, voting system.
  • The second ring out is recommended technologies, which is software from established and well known providers used by many academics, but hosted outside UCL, or available as part of a package. UCL provides limited support for these services.
  • The outer rings contain recognised technologies in use in UCL. We are currently  able to provide a very limited support for UCL users of these technologies.

Only a few of these technologies were conceived for universities, and few of them are hosted by UCL, but all of them can be bent to educational purposes.

So as you can see, the world is your oyster in terms of technologies. For more about some of these technologies, see this 2016 list of the top 200 technologies voted by educators worldwide.

PDF version below, and zoomable Prezi version here.

This is a work in progress so an accessible version is not yet available. Please contact digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk if you require one and we can arrange it to be sent to you.