Educational technologies: coordinating and running

Educational technologies: coordinating and running


Family name: 

First name: 


Professional or Department Twitter:

Your email address:

Co-presenter names and UCL email addresses for your proposal *
Please provide UCL email details as well as name details of any collaborators / co-presenters.

Proposal Guidelines

Title *

Coordinating and running your educational technologies

Topic *
Please provide an abstract, around 100 words, an outline of the topic (including approaches to teaching/assessment and impact where appropriate).
This session is about continuity and sustainability. Developing educational technologies takes time and thought, so you want to make sure they do not depend on your personal involvement in them. Drawing on UCL case studies, this session will outline and discuss approaches to coordinating academic and professional services colleagues to produce outputs which can be readily understood by your successor if, say, you go on leave, or yourself down the line when you're preparing for a new intake of students. We will discuss some principles and practices towards this. Bring your laptop or tablet (if you have one) with an example of your work. In small groups we will engage in a peer dialogue activity in order to give and receive feedback on this aspect of your work.
This is a recommended session for CMALT candidates relating to Core Area 4 (Communication and Working With Others).

Learning Outcomes *
Please describe how you will engage participants in interaction and what area(s) of the UKPSF your seminar relates to e.g. if you’re illustrating a learning activity then A1 ('Design and plan learning activities') and if related to IT/Moodle, clickers etc then K4 (‘The use and value of appropriate learning technologies’).
A4 (Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.)
K4 (The use and value of appropriate learning technologies.)
V4 (Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.)
Please indicate which day of the week would be best for you.

Please indicate which time of day would be best for you.

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