Delete Lecturecast capture

Delete Lecturecast capture

To delete your media:

  1. Click on the tile to open the media details page.

  2. Check the publishing information. If the item is published to one or more classes/sections, you may want to un-publish it first. As emphasized above, deleting an item deletes all analytic data associated with the content. Deleting is permanent and cannot be undone. By anyone.

  3. Click the Trash option located with the other media commands below the preview pane, as identified in the below figure.

    Media details page with delete option identified for steps as described

    A warning message appears, indicating that all data associated with the content, including student notes and analytics, will also be deleted.


  1. Click OK to delete the content.

delete media warning message as described

If the content has been published, it is removed from those classes. If the content had been shared with other individuals, it is removed from their Library or Collection(s). If you are removing Shared media, you will no longer have access to the item.

Alternatively, you can delete media directly from the tile in the Library.

Media tile with menu button identified and open containing navigation to delete command for steps as described

Click the menu button on the media tile, select More Actions, and then select Delete (if it is available) or select Remove (if it is shared media).

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