Nowicki-Strickland Locus Of Control Scale For Children

Nowicki-Strickland Locus Of Control Scale For Children


Nowicki, S., & Strickland, B. R. (1973). A locus of control scale for children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 40(1), 148–154. http://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&CSC=Y&NEWS=N&PAGE=fulltext&AN=00004730-197302000-00024&D=ovft

List of questions

Question number (as in the 40 item scale version)Question 

Original 40-item version

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)*4-item version3-item version*
1Do you believe that most problems will solve themselves if you just don’t fool with them?

2Do you believe that you can stop yourself from catching a cold?

3Are some kids just born lucky?

4Most of the time, do you feel that getting good grades means a great deal to you?

5Are you often blamed for things that just aren't your fault?
6Do you believe that if somebody studies hard enough, he or she can pass any subject?

7Do you feel that most of the time it doesn't pay to try hard because things never turn out right anyway?

8Do you feel that if things start out well in the morning, that it's going to be a good day no matter what you do?

9Do you feel that most of the time parents listen to what their children have to say?

10Do you believe that wishing can make good things happen?

11When you get punished, does it usually seem it's for no good reason at all?

12Most of the time do you find it hard to change a friend's (mind) opinion?

13Do you think that cheering more than luck helps a team to win?

14Do you feel that it's nearly impossible to change your parent's mind about anything?

15Do you believe that your parents should allow you to make most of your own decisions?

16Do you feel that when you do something wrong there’s very little you can do to make it right?

17Do you believe that most kids are just born good at sports?

18Are most of the other kids your age stronger than you are?

19Do you feel that one of the best ways to handle most problems is just not to think about them?

20Do you feel that you have a lot of choice in deciding who your friends are?

21If you find a four leaf clover do you believe that it might bring you good luck?

22Do you often feel that whether you do your homework has much to do with what kind of grades you get?

23Do you feel that when a kid your age decides to hit you, there’s little you can do to stop him or her?

24Have you ever had a good luck charm?

25Do you believe that whether or not people like you depends on how you act?

26Will your parents usually help you if you ask them to?

27Have you felt that when people were mean to you it was usually for no reason at all?

28Most of the time, do you feel that you can change what might happen tomorrow by what you do today?

29Do you believe that when bad things are going to happen they just are going to happen no matter what you try to do to stop them?

30Do you think that kids can get their own way if they just keep trying?

31Most of the time, do you find it useless to try to get your own way at home?

32Do you feel that when good things happen they happen because of hard work?
33Do you feel that when somebody your age wants to be your enemy there’s little you can do to change matters?

34Do you feel that it’s easy to get friends to do what you want them to?

35Do you usually feel that you have little to say about what you get to eat at home?

36Do you feel that when someone doesn’t like you there’s little you can do about it?

37Do you usually feel that it’s almost useless to try in school because most other children are just plain smarter than you are?

38Are you the kind of person who believes that planning ahead makes things turn out better?
39Most of the time, do you feel that you have little to say about what your family decides to do?

40Do you think it’s better to be smart than to be lucky?

Note: * These versions are not validated by the scale authors, but they are used in CLOSER studies. 

Use of this scale in CLOSER Discovery study questionnaires and datasets 

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1990-1993About YourselfALSPAC About Yourself Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1990-1993You and Your Environment - PartnerALSPAC You and Your Environment Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1997-1999Mother's LifestyleALSPAC Mothers Lifestyle Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1997-1999Partner's Lifestyle

ALSPAC Partners Lifestyle Questionnaire Dataset

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC2010You and Your Life

ALSPAC You and Your Life Questionnaire Dataset

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC2013Focusing on youALSPAC Focusing on You Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC2020Parent's Questionnaire 2020-
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC-Life at 27+ALSPAC Life at 27+ Questionnaire Dataset
3-item versionALSPAC2007-2009Life of a 16+ TeenagerALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager Questionnaire Dataset
-ALSPAC-Life at 29+ -