Social and Communication Disorders Checklist (SCDC)

Social and Communication Disorders Checklist (SCDC)


Skuse, D. H., James, R., S., Coppin, B., Dalton, P., Aamodt,-Leeper G., Bacarese-Hamilton, M., ... & Jacobs, P. A. (1997). Evidence from Turner's syndrome of an imprinted X-linked locus affecting cognitive function. Nature, 387(6634), 705-708. https://doi.org/10.1038/42706

List of questions

Question numberQuestion 

Original 12-item scale

1Not aware of other people’s feelings
2Does not realise when others are upset or angry
3Does not notice the effect of his/her behaviour on other members of the family
4Behaviour often disrupts family life
5Very demanding of other people’s time
6Difficult to reason with when upset
7Does not seem to understand social skills, e.g. persistently interrupts conversations
8Does not pick up on body language
9Does not appear to understand how to behave when out (e.g. in shops, or other people’s homes)
10Does not realise if s/he offends people with her/his behaviour
11Does not respond when told to do something
12Cannot follow a command unless it is carefully worded

Use of this scale in CLOSER Discovery study questionnaires and datasets