Moodle Quiz student guide

Moodle Quiz student guide

An online quiz, test or exam: all use the Moodle Quiz function, allowing your Course Team to use a variety of question types including multiple choice, true/false, short answer, calculation and matching.  The format of the quiz itself can also be customized: only available between certain times, duration limited or open-ended, single or multiple attempts, and so forth. 

Your Course Team will explain how they plan to use Moodle quizzes on their course, and often provide a demonstration quiz, so you can familiarize yourself.  If you have any questions about a Moodle quiz on your course, please contact your Course Administrator.

Before accessing a quiz

Before you start, you must open the Blocks drawer on the right of your screen.  If you have hidden your blocks, this will include the ones you will need to navigate around the quiz.  Use the arrow, at the top right of your Moodle page, to open the block drawer. 


Accessing a quiz

To open your quiz, click on the link next to the Quiz icon: 


Like other Moodle activities, a quiz can be hidden, or restricted to a specific time or group of users.  If the quiz has a specified start time, make sure you refresh your screen when this is reached, as your screen will not change automatically. 
If you are not able to locate the quiz, please contact your Course Administrator.

Attempting a quiz

After you have selected the quiz, you will see a summary of any limitations, such as attempts, time limit, etc.

Click on the Attempt Quiz button to start your attempt.  If there is a time limit, there will be a second confirmation:

During a quiz

Provided you have not hidden your blocks, you will see the Quiz navigation block, top right of your screen.

Questions per page vary in number.

When you move to the next page, your answers are saved, and the answered questions are shaded.
If you have Flagged a question this is indicated by a red triangle, so you can quickly return and review it.

Submitting a quiz

When you reach the last question, you will be asked to Finish attempt or you can choose to do so at any point, using the link in the Navigation block.  This will show a summary which questions are answered, flagged, incomplete and unanswered.  You can click on a question number to review it.  If you have completed your attempt, then select Submit all and finish to complete the attempt.

Reviewing a quiz attempt

Depending on the set up of a Moodle Quiz, there may be the option to review your quiz attempt and receive feedback. 

The feedback that you can see depends on the specific quiz settings so please check with the staff contact for your module if you are uncertain. The types of feedback that can be displayed include:

  • overall quiz mark and grade,

  • whether you got the question correct or incorrect, 

  • the question grade,

  • question specific feedback and/or

  • general feedback comments. 

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