Moodle Quiz Exam Reference for Students

Moodle Quiz Exam Reference for Students

Before the exam

  1. Login to the computer

  2. Use your UCL username (e.g. ucaaxxx) and password

  3. Launch a web browser. On UCL computers these include Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.

  4. Log into Moodle* as soon as you arrive at the exam

Use your UCL username (e.g. ucaaxxx) and password (as above)

  1. Place your ID card on your desk* for invigilators to check

  2. Sign the attendance register with your username & computer number

If you can't see a computer number on your monitor, please record the last three digits of the IP address on the front of the computer tower instead.

  1. In Moodle, navigate to the exam

  2.  Wait for the invigilator to announce the exam password

  3. Once announced, type it in the password field and click Continue


Note: You may only have one window & browser tab open containing the Moodle quiz unless otherwise instructed by the invigilator. Any other open windows will be considered an attempt to cheat. Your computer usage may be recorded.


During the exam

  • Your answers are saved automatically every time you go to a new page

  • If you want to return to a question later click on flag question

  • To navigate click on the next buttons or the page numbers (on the left) to skip straight to a particular question


The Quiz navigation box on the left will show:

  • flagged questions with a red tab in the top, right corner

  • answered questions in grey

  • unanswered questions in white 

  • the current question with a bold outline

You can change your answers at any time until you submit your exam

Finished the exam?

  • When you finish you will have a chance to review your quiz answers

  • Click Finish attempt… (in the Quiz navigation block) to view the review page if you aren't already there

  • Click Submit all and finish only when you have completed the exam!

  • A confirmation window will pop up. Click Submit all and finish to confirm you want to submit your exam or cancel to return to the quiz

  • Before you leave the exam an invigilator will need to check you have submitted your answers

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