TI1 Plugins and LTIs implementation

TI1 Plugins and LTIs implementation



Budget Epic Name

CDP-358 LBC 2059_DLE Standing Team - 23/24

Jira Outcome

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Feature Lead

Jason Norton / Kerry Vandersteen

  • Outcome Description:  

    • FOR WHO: Staff and students

    • WHAT: Implementation of functionality and features in Moodle by LTI (Learning Technology Interoperability standard) or plugin

    • WHY (Business Value): Various integrations requested by multiple stakeholder groups to provide additional functionality to core Moodle, such as the addition of a quiz type in Moodle quiz, and the integration of a third-party tool such as Cadmus or Talis Aspire. For the implementation of product team reporting/management control e.g. Assessment frequency plugin and Matomo.

  • Dependencies / Risks:

    • 3rd party vendors (D)

    • Other portfolio product teams (D)

    • Staff resource (R)

  • Outcome Deliverables EPICs:


  • Matomo - Analytics review is it good enough data retention https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2671

    • What: Matomo is a replacement tool for Google Analytics that has been removed from monitoring production for GDPR issues. We will review Matomo against a set of requirements to see if it provides the product and the portfolio the information they require on demand

    • Why: Product management and Portfolio management require information about the operation of our core Moodle service and Matomo may provide some of all of that core requirement

    • Dependency: Catalyst / Risk: Not having the correct data available when requested, exposes the service to unknown issues.

  • Moodle - Assessment Frequency Report Plugin - https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-1287

    • What: The assessment Frequency plugin is a Catalyst developed plugin that provides a view of assessments taking place within Moodle providing several different views. The plugin required some development in order for it to function at the course and category level and be available for administrators. Catalyst performed some development on the plugin and it is now awaiting review on a UCL test server. Review the amended plugin and decide if any further development would bring value or decide to close off this work

    • Why: To enable administrators, category administrators and tutors to view the frequency of assessments within their course, department and faculty.

    • Dependency: Catalyst / Risk: The plugin appears to have some issues and does not run correctly. The development undertaken so far does not deliver the intended requirements.

  • Promote Boards (LT Boards) https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2670

    • What: Promote via available channels (eg the Digi-Ed blog) the updated Moodle Boards plugin to increase usage

    • Why: The Moodle board plugin which UCL contributed funding for has had additional functionality added since it was first installed in Moodle. Usage shows that it has not received significant use.

    • Dependency: none / Risk: none

  • LTI - Crowdmark (MAPS) - https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-1260

    • What: Crowdmark is an assessment product that connects to Moodle via LTI. It has been requested that the LTI be tested and if working correctly be deployed to production Moodle

    • Why: Crowdmark product is already in use by mathmatics. Its addition to Moodle would allow grades to be passed back to Moodle and used by the developing grade transfer integration. Simplifying the user journey for staff and students. Also removing the need to go to “another” website. Keeping Moodle as a central access point. Ensuring correct enrolment.

    • Dependency: Assessment product / Risk: 4.3 ideally required for LTI category setting.

  • Mahoodle - Moodle/Mahara integration - https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-1261

    • What: Maraha is an e-portfolio tool, known as MyPortfolio at UCL. It has been requested by the assessment product that Maraha be integrated with Moodle so that e-potfolios can be set as a new assessment type within Moodle.

    • Why: Changes in institutional strategy around assessment and the introduction of GenAI have created a renewed interest in the use of authentic/non essay based assessments such as e-portfolios. In order to provide simplified workflows for assessment and authentication integration with Moodle is advised.

    • Dependency: External resource Aurelie Soulier / Risk: Availability of external resource

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