TI1 UX Dev - Theme, Format and finalisation

TI1 UX Dev - Theme, Format and finalisation



Budget Epic Name

CDP-365 LBC 2072_Moodle Theme - 23/24

Jira Outcome

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Feature Lead

Eliot Hoving / Stuart Lamour / Kerry Vandersteen

  • Outcome Description:  

    • FOR WHO: Staff and students

    • WHAT: To continue to review, develop and enhance the look, feel, function and accessibility of the UCL Moodle UI/UX experience.

    • WHY (Business Value): To ensure all UCL Moodle users are provided with a world-leading LMS experience that represents the UCL brand. Aiming to enhance the user experience and focus on quality, function and accessibility.

  • Dependencies / Risks:

    • UCL Design System (D)

    • Specialist skill set (D)

    • Available resource (R)

    • Time scale of developments vs resource availability vs cost (R)

  • Outcome Deliverables EPICs:


  • Moodle 4.UX - Course Format Review (https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-1799 )

    • What: review the use of course formats in Moodle and make decisions on what formats can be moved to Moodle 4

    • Why: To move towards reducing the number of course formats available. To provide the core user requirements within either a limited set of course formats (not greater than 3, ideally less)

    • Dependency: learning technologists, Titus Learning and other external partners / Risk: Academic pushback, lack of governance of Moodle, change management difficulties.

  • Theme evaluation and review (https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2646 )

    • What: Review the use and purpose of the Microsoft Clarity that has been installed on production Moodle. Interpret data to see how it can be used in making the Moodle user journey UI/UX better. Identify elements in use, not in use. Feedback into wider UI/UX review and development requirements. If found to be useful, present it back to ISD

    • Why: To provide additional feedback and data into the continuous UI/UX development

    • Dependency: ? / Risk: Available resource

  • Theme block/plugin (UNCOMMITTED) https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2673

    • What: Continue to improve the theme iteratively based on user feedback and updates to the UCL design system.

    • Why: Improve the experience of using Moodle for students and staff.

    • Dependency: Requires developer

    • Additional Info: […]

  • Moodle - Learning Analytics SPIKE (https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2647 )

    • What: Review the data analytics available within the Moodle product to identify possible value stories for future development. Take into consideration other work within data analytics that is ongoing in other portfolios (student)

    • Why: Spike story to identify the possible value of future epics or enabling epics

    • Dependency: ? / Risk: Available resource

  • Moodle Accessibility Statement https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2669

    • What: Continue to improve upon the accessibility of the new Moodle theme and/or flag issues up with Moodle HQ to fix upstream. Many plug-ins and LTIs are used in conjunction with Moodle but we have not yet mentioned these in our UCL Moodle Accessibility Statement or provided accessibility advice on these. This is also an opportunity to promote plugins that some people may not be aware of.

    • Why: UCL as a public entity must be compliant with accessibility legislation. Accessibility by design improves the student and staff experience overall. Where a plugin doesn’t meet requirements, I would like to be offered guidance on alternatives.

    • Risks / Dependencies:

      There is a long list of plugins/LTIs used with Moodle and maybe too many to check during this TI so this will need to be prioritised in order of most important or widely used. Plugins are usually tested for accessibility before they are deployed. It may be necessary to find out who undertook this testing and if not possible, redo the testing.

      Requires developer / Catalyst support? / Some issues will need to be fixed upstream by Moodle HQ

    • Additional Info: Some plugins will already have accessibility statements that we can simply link to from the UCL Moodle Accessibility Statement. Equatio has a plugin we recently have been testing which we can also include and promote in this list. We should ensure we refer to the recently updated WCAG 2.2 AA in any future audits/testing!