TI1 Data Integrations

TI1 Data Integrations



Budget Epic Name

CDP-358 LBC 2059_DLE Standing Team - 23/24

Jira Outcome

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Feature Lead

Alex KS Yeung

  • Outcome Description:  

    • FOR WHO: Staff and students

    • WHAT: Core UCL service data integrations and interactions with Moodle. Such as SITS/Moodle, CMIS/Moodle, Lecturecast/Moodle Moodle/data repository/lake. Also, includes maintenance, support and continuous improvement activity on UCL-developed/maintained integrations such as the Course Life Cycle Toolset, Moodle Integration Manager (MIM) and MyFeedback.

    • WHY (Business Value): To provide a single source of truth data connections, reduce staff time in manual tasks, improve data consistency, alignment with the data strategy, requested and required functionality, automation of manual tasks and the continued support maintenance of UCL developed tools.

  • Dependencies / Risks:

    • Specific integration developer knowledge (D/R)

    • Other UCL core services and their product teams (D)

  • Outcome Deliverables EPICs:


  • Create Mockups for Assessment Wizard (Spike) https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2513 - Jason

  • PILOT - Moodle/Sits Integration - Grades - https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2648 / https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2351

    • What: Gather user feedback on the feature set; prioritised list of the features/functionality; go / no-go decision on MVP release; implement top priorities (ref: assessment wizard (epic) );

    • Why: Integration between the LMS and UCL’s SRS system is fundamental to providing better, faster and more efficient services to our stakeholder groups. Grade transfer is one of the core sets of integrations that will significantly transform operational activities. and reduce the burden on course administrators and tutors responsible for the transfer of grades to SITS. Grade transfer will also enforce SRS workflow processes and will increase data integrity. Grade transfer will also work to validate UCL Moodle as an assessment platform where summertime assessments take place. Grade transfer will also complete the grading loop for external products that may be integrated with Moodle such as Crowdmark.

    • Dependency: SRS / Risk: Developer resource, development timeline, limited MVP capability impacting stakeholder experience and view

  • Course Life Cycle re-work - https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2652

    • What: The Course Life Cycle tool introduced in 2022 has a large number of backlog items that need to be reviewed, prioritised and worked through (focus on improvements on the existing courses).

    • Why: The CLC backlog contains user enhancements, bug fixes and overall improvements to the tool. Early life for the CLC was not supported long enough due to other work pressures. CLC needs to be revised and improved to ensure user experience is where it should be.

    • Dependency: Resource / Risk: Stakeholder opinion on CLC decreases as issues and reported feature improvements are not acted upon

  • Lectruecast rollover spike - https://ucldata.atlassian.net/browse/CTP-2650 UNCOMMITTED from Media

    • What: Lecturecast current LTI plugin does not facilitate any form of course rollover within Moodle, creating a large amount of work for course teams who need to remove old content and connect new Lecturecast sections every year. Discuss with Media Product the Moodle/Lecturecast if there are any possible solutions. Gather a requirements document, resource requirements and estimation of time and cost.

    • Why: The task of Lecturecast role-overs is a significantly negative experience for course administrators. The current manual method takes significant time and has been highlighted in multiple feedback loops by stakeholders as being a problem area.

    • Dependency: Media Product / Risk: Increased dissatisfaction with course roll-over activity

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