Appendix: UCL Quality Framework
The following appendix of materials taken from the UCL's MSc Programme in International Primary Care Quality Framework by Professor Trisha Greenhalgh (2001) should be taken as examples of 'good practice' rather than sine qua non or something that must be followed religiously, particularly as this was in 2001 and technology has moved on since.
The following points are worth noting from this resource:
The completeness of the document detailing the various criterions to be met, how this will be met, what evidence would be expected to demonstrate the criterions had been achieved and how failure should be deteted.
1/ Course Materials (learning materials integral to the course and recommended external sources)
Criterion | Standards | How will standards be met? | Evidence | Quality Failures |
Course materials will support the overall programme aims, provide clear learning objectives and promote active learning. | 1.1 Course structure. All study modules will contain the following, presented in consistent house style:
1.2 Reading materials. These will be • Intellectually rigorous (i.e. methodologically robust, logically consistent, and can be placed in a coherent theoretical framework);
1.3 Multimedia materials. These will be
1.4 Accessibility. At least 95 percent of required course materials will be available either on line via the programme website or as a paper or CD included within the MSc fee. | Course materials will be written according to standard templates. The tutors’ manual will contain guidelines for writing open learning resources and agreed rules for house style. All course content will be peer reviewed against the standards listed left, and modified accordingly, at four separate stages: scoping (draft content for module); writing (detailed content of each study unit); interim review (annual updating of content before each new intake); and major review (5-yearly overview of scope and content). A full draft of each module will be sent to the External Assessor for approval before being made available to students. Student generated material from one year (exemplary essays, collaborative projects) will be peer reviewed by the standard mechanisms before being added to content for future years. Peer review meetings will be attended by a multidisciplinary team including one author, a senior academic with an overview of the programme, an educationalist, and a technical adviser. The tutor responsible for writing/updating the module will liaise with administrative and technical staff to ensure materials are available on-line in agreed house style or have been sent to students before the module begins. Suggestions for updating and revising of material by both students and staff will be systematically collected in a revision file, reviewed and fed into the peer review process. | Examples of study resources, examined for evidence of
Examples of reading lists, checked against on-line reading materials and study packs. Minutes and reports from the internal peer review process:
Minutes and reports from the external peer review process:
Student feedback
| Quality failure should be detected via
2/ The Interactive Learning Environment
Criterion | Standards | How will standards be met? | Evidence | Quality Failures |
Formal on-line discussions on key topics (virtual seminars) will support the overall programme goals through high quality, focussed academic discourse, collaboration and lateral support. | 2.1 Framework. Virtual seminars will be:
2.2 Format. The format of the virtual seminar will be
2.3 Process. The process of the virtual seminar will be
2.4 Content. The discourse of the virtual seminar will be:
| The module tutor will
Course materials will list the following details for the virtual seminar:
The induction module for students will include training in ‘threading’ messages, ground rules for on line group work, and e-moderating skills. Module tutors will reinforce and continue this training in subsequent modules. Academic staff will review the process of virtual seminars at regular Quality Monitoring Group meetings to identify and share learning points. See also Section 3: Tutor Performance and Development. | Transcripts of virtual seminars, examined for evidence of
Student feedback
| Quality failure should be detected via
3/ Tutor Performance and Development
Criterion | Standards | How will standards be met? | Evidence | Quality Failures |
Module tutors will be appropriately qualified, trained and supported to deliver high quality learner support in the on-line environment. | 3.1 Tutor competence. All tutors must be judged suitably qualified and experienced in all relevant content (subject) areas through formal approval by the Programme Director, Department Teaching Committee, and Faculty Tutor 3.2 Tutor induction. All tutors must demonstrate satisfactory performance in the Induction Course for Tutors, including:
3.3 Tutor performance. All tutors must demonstrate the following in the on-line environment, to the satisfaction of the Programme Director, Faculty Tutor, and Visiting Examiners:
3.4 Tutor behaviour on line. All tutors must behave professionally in the on-line environment, and be receptive to feedback from students and staff. 3.5 Tutor development. All tutors must actively embrace the principle of continuing professional development. They will be required to participate in an annual appraisal of performance and review of training needs. | Job descriptions for tutors will contain explicit standards for experience and qualifications in both subject content and technical skills. A full curriculum vitae and/or personal learning log will be reviewed by the Programme Director before a tutor is appointed to a new subject area. The Induction Course for Tutors will define and address explicit performance standards in technical competence. Tutors will receive training and support to develop their online tutoring skills. Novice tutors will be supported by experienced tutors through a lead and support tutor system during a probationary period. Achieving and maintaining competence in on-line tutoring is a prerequisite for a definitive contract. Codes for behaviour in on-line groups will be available in the student manual and the tutors’ manual. The Programme Director will undertake and document an annual appraisal of all academic staff. They will be encouraged to work towards specific goals such as:
| Human resource file, with Job descriptions for tutor roles;
Transcripts of virtual seminars, examined for evidence of
Student feedback, especially via explicit question about tutor input in on-line evaluation questionnaire for each module. Academic staff personal learning log or equivalent | Quality failure of tutors should be detected via
NB Student performance is not a very sensitive indicator of overall tutor competence. As a general rule, poor performance by a majority of students on a course should raise questions about course design or tutor competence, whereas poor performance by a minority of students is usually attributable to other factors. |
4/ Assessment
Criterion | Standards | How will standards be met? | Evidence | Quality Failures |
Assessment will be Valid: will give an accurate and complete reflection of the student’s ability and performance; Reliable: will give consistent and coherent results between markers; Fair: will guard against cheating and take a broad and sensitive view of what is ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’; Appropriate to the educational objectives of the overall programme and to the particular objective being assessed; Efficient: will use tutor time appropriately and avoid double handling; Timely: will provide students with feedback at an appropriate stage in their learning; Formative as well as summative. | 4.1 Setting assignments. All course assignments will be reviewed as part of the peer review process to ensure that
4.2 Submission of assignments. The facility for electronic submission of assignments will be
4.3 Marking and feedback.
4.4 Examination procedure.
| Assignments and examination questions will be peer reviewed internally and externally as part of the course content (see Section 1). Papers will be marked on the basis of agreed marking schedules and indicative answers. The MSc administrator will maintain the electronic assignment submission procedure and provide prompt help to students who have difficulty using it. Assignments will be double marked and a formal arbitration procedure used if there is a discrepancy of more than 10% between markers (see full regulations for details). Tutors will use an agreed template for providing feedback to students. Novice markers will shadow a senior until they demonstrate the ability to mark consistently and provide appropriate feedback. The module tutor will ensure that a mock examination is developed, peer reviewed, and posted in good time. | Assignments as supplied in course materials, and examination papers, including marking schedules, indicative answers and feedback templates. Visiting Examiner reports, with particular reference to scrutiny of assignments and examination papers against unit objectives. TMA returns spreadsheet, with particular reference to timing of submissions and consistency between markers. Examples of tutor feedback forms to individual students. Copies of administrative notices about examinations. Student feedback
| Quality failure should be detected via
5/ Student Communication and Support
Criterion | Standards | How will standards be met? | Evidence | Quality Failures |
Our programme will be supported by accessible, accurate, and up to date documentation. Support and advice will be tailored to the needs of individual students. There will be an effective system of student representation | 5.1 Documentation. Students and prospective students will have timely access to details of the programme, which will indicate clearly what is expected of learners in each module and give the expected time commitment and credit value. This documentation will support students in making informed choices to meet their personal learning needs. 5.2 Attention to individual support needs
5.3 Library support. Adequate journals and other resources will be available on-line for students to explore beyond the course materials. Students will be able to obtain assistance to help them seek and use electronically stored information successfully. 5.4 Social support. Students will have access to an online social forum for informal discussion and support. 5.5 Student views will be actively sought via a range of approaches including on-line feedback questionnaires for each module, an anonymous feedback forum, and an independent, structured complaints procedure. We will respond promptly and sensitively to their expressed concerns. | A named member of academic staff will check and update the on-line student manual and publicly available programme details against the standards listed left at least annually. A named librarian or informaticist will check and update library resources at least annually. The Programme Director will ensure that all students are allocated a named adviser from the academic staff, who will respond promptly to enquiries about study options and overall progress. In the event of a serious student crisis, their personal adviser will submit a confidential report to the Programme Director. A member of the course team will ensure that all students have access to the on-line student manual, to an accurate personal progress log, to the online library, and to the relevant social forum. All students will be asked to complete an online feedback questionnaire for every study module. The MSc Administrator will collate responses for the module tutor, who will review them against the standards listed left before preparing an annual report on the module. All students will be informed of the independent complaints procedure. The Quality Monitoring Group of academic staff will meet once per term and include a regular review of student feedback and of named students with particular needs. | Student manual, website and marketing materials, examined for evidence of clarity, accuracy and completeness of information on programme content and format. On-line summary of progress on an individual student basis, generally accessed via the on-line ‘Check your progress’ tool. Administrative data, such as: List of all students and personal advisers; Membership lists of modules and social for a. Student feedback
Anonymised confidential reports on student crises. Minutes of Quality Monitoring Group meetings. | Quality failure should be detected via Tutors’ annual reports
6/ Administrative and Technical Support
Criterion | Standards | How will standards be met? | Evidence | Quality Failures |
Administrative and technical systems will support the programme goals through high quality service delivery, multidisciplinary teamwork, effective communication, and robust technological infrastructure. Administrative and technical staff will have clear roles and responsibilities and be adequately supported in their work. | 6.1 Customer care. Students and prospective students will receive prompt, courteous and accurate responses from the UCL course team to enquiries and correspondence. 6.2 Multidisciplinarity. Administrative and technical input will be an integral aspect of the presentation and marketing of the programme and of the development and delivery of course materials. Staff offering this support will work as part of the multidisciplinary course team. 6.3 Development of support staff. All administrative and technical staff will be suitably qualified for the work required of them and have
6.4 Technology strategy. A documented strategy will be in place to define and monitor technical standards. This will be based on established industry quality standards and include issues of system design, hardware and software specification, technical support for staff and students, and confidentiality and data protection. | The Programme Director will oversee the appointment, induction, supervision and appraisal of administrative and technical staff against the standards listed left. The Technical Director will prepare and maintain a comprehensive technology strategy against the standards listed left. The Technical Director will will deliver full support for staff involved in on-line course development. Academic staff will acknowledge and incorporate the input of administrative and technical staff when developing course materials and systems. The Programme Director will identify a dedicated training budget and allocate funds judiciously for both in-house training and external courses for all staff. All staff will be required to keep a personal training log documenting professional goals, courses attended, and new training needs identified. | Human resource file, with
Student feedback, especially via explicit questions about administrative and technical support in on-line evaluation questionnaires. Copies of particular items of correspondence or communication. Staff personal learning log or equivalent. | Quality failure should be detected via
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