Nowicki-Strickland Locus Of Control Scale For Children

Nowicki-Strickland Locus Of Control Scale For Children


Nowicki, S., & Strickland, B. R. (1973). A locus of control scale for children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 40(1), 148–154. http://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&CSC=Y&NEWS=N&PAGE=fulltext&AN=00004730-197302000-00024&D=ovft

List of questions

Question number (as in the 40 item scale version)Question 

Original 40-item version

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)*4-item version3-item version*
1Do you believe that most problems will solve themselves if you just don’t fool with them?✓

2Do you believe that you can stop yourself from catching a cold?✓

3Are some kids just born lucky?✓

4Most of the time, do you feel that getting good grades means a great deal to you?✓✓

5Are you often blamed for things that just aren't your fault?✓✓
6Do you believe that if somebody studies hard enough, he or she can pass any subject?✓

7Do you feel that most of the time it doesn't pay to try hard because things never turn out right anyway?✓✓

8Do you feel that if things start out well in the morning, that it's going to be a good day no matter what you do?✓✓

9Do you feel that most of the time parents listen to what their children have to say?✓

10Do you believe that wishing can make good things happen?✓

11When you get punished, does it usually seem it's for no good reason at all?✓

12Most of the time do you find it hard to change a friend's (mind) opinion?✓

13Do you think that cheering more than luck helps a team to win?✓

14Do you feel that it's nearly impossible to change your parent's mind about anything?✓

15Do you believe that your parents should allow you to make most of your own decisions?✓

16Do you feel that when you do something wrong there’s very little you can do to make it right?✓

17Do you believe that most kids are just born good at sports?✓

18Are most of the other kids your age stronger than you are?✓

19Do you feel that one of the best ways to handle most problems is just not to think about them?✓

20Do you feel that you have a lot of choice in deciding who your friends are?✓

21If you find a four leaf clover do you believe that it might bring you good luck?✓

22Do you often feel that whether you do your homework has much to do with what kind of grades you get?✓

23Do you feel that when a kid your age decides to hit you, there’s little you can do to stop him or her?✓

24Have you ever had a good luck charm?✓

25Do you believe that whether or not people like you depends on how you act?✓✓

26Will your parents usually help you if you ask them to?✓

27Have you felt that when people were mean to you it was usually for no reason at all?✓

28Most of the time, do you feel that you can change what might happen tomorrow by what you do today?✓

29Do you believe that when bad things are going to happen they just are going to happen no matter what you try to do to stop them?✓✓

30Do you think that kids can get their own way if they just keep trying?✓

31Most of the time, do you find it useless to try to get your own way at home?✓

32Do you feel that when good things happen they happen because of hard work?✓✓✓
33Do you feel that when somebody your age wants to be your enemy there’s little you can do to change matters?✓

34Do you feel that it’s easy to get friends to do what you want them to?✓

35Do you usually feel that you have little to say about what you get to eat at home?✓

36Do you feel that when someone doesn’t like you there’s little you can do about it?✓✓

37Do you usually feel that it’s almost useless to try in school because most other children are just plain smarter than you are?✓✓

38Are you the kind of person who believes that planning ahead makes things turn out better?✓✓
39Most of the time, do you feel that you have little to say about what your family decides to do?✓✓

40Do you think it’s better to be smart than to be lucky?✓✓

Note: * These versions are not validated by the scale authors, but they are used in CLOSER studies. 

Use of this scale in CLOSER Discovery study questionnaires and datasets 

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1990-1993About YourselfALSPAC About Yourself Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1990-1993You and Your Environment - PartnerALSPAC You and Your Environment Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1997-1999Mother's LifestyleALSPAC Mothers Lifestyle Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC1997-1999Partner's Lifestyle

ALSPAC Partners Lifestyle Questionnaire Dataset

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC2010You and Your Life

ALSPAC You and Your Life Questionnaire Dataset

12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC2013Focusing on youALSPAC Focusing on You Questionnaire Dataset
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC2020Parent's Questionnaire 2020-
12-item version (ALSPAC adult)ALSPAC-Life at 27+ALSPAC Life at 27+ Questionnaire Dataset
3-item versionALSPAC2007-2009Life of a 16+ TeenagerALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager Questionnaire Dataset
-ALSPAC-Life at 29+ -