UCL Moodle Guides (for staff)
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Release Notes
Moodle Termly Increment Roadmap
MXX - Partial mark entry from Moodle activities - June 2023
M00 - Navigation
M01 - Moodle course structure
M01e - Best settings for navigable, usable Moodle courses
M01a - Moodle course formats
M01a1 - Flexible format
M01b - Import items from one Moodle course into another
M01c - Resource
M01d - Activity
M01f - Course backup
M01g - Course restore
M01h - Making your course visible
M01i - Mass Actions block
M01j - Recycle bin
M02 - Text editor
M03 - Links, files and folders
M04 - Display content directly in Moodle
M05 - Organise blocks
M06 - Enrolment
M07 - Personalise your Moodle
M08 - Discussion Forums
M09 - Digital Assessment - an Overview
M10 - Reading List
M11 - Moodle gradebook
M12 - Quiz
M13 - Groups and groupings
M14 - Test User Accounts
M15 - Wiki
M17 - Question Bank
M18 - Hot Question
M20 - Choice
M21 - Lesson
M22 - Questionnaire
M23 - Chat
M24 - Glossary
M25 - Roles and Permissions
M26 - Lightbox Gallery
M28 - Moodle Reports
M29 - Course completion
M30 - Preparing your Moodle course for the next Academic Year
M32 - Publish as LTI Tool
M33 - Filters
M34 - Activity completion
M35 - Survey
M36 - Restrict access
M37 - Moodle Workshop for peer assessment
M38 - HotPot
M39 - External Tool (LTI)
M40 - Scheduler
M41 - Moodle Badges
M42 - Calendar
M45 - Feedback
M47 - Database
M48 - IPAC - Individual Peer Assessed Contribution Tool
M49 - Media Resource
M50 - Attendance
M51 - IMS content package
M52 - MyFeedback report
M53 - Messaging
M54 - Custom Certificate
M55 - H5P Interactive Activities
M56 - Anthology Ally
M57 - STACK online assessment for mathematics and science
M58 - Checklist
M59 - MATLAB Grader
M60 - Zoom Meeting
M61 - Hypothesis
M62 - Learning Science
M63 - Sketchfab 3D Model Embedding in Text Editor
M64 - Lt (LTI1.3) (Lt licensed users only)
M66 - Board
M67 - Date manager
M68 - GoReact - Video Assessment Tool
M69 - Using Moodle's Global Search
M70 - Labster (LTI 1.3) - licensed users only
M71 - Sharing Cart
M72 - LinkedIn Learning LTI - course and video embedding
M73 - Equatio (free Chrome extension)
M75 - Equatio (Premium Chrome extension)
M76 - Crowdmark (LTI 1.3) - licensed users only
M77 - Extensions
M77 - Feedback tracker
M78 - Assessment categorisation
M77 - Granting Extensions (SORA/EC/DAP)
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