Automatically-marked exam (FLOWmulti Blueprint)
The interactive diagram below should be used when authoring, managing and marking an autoscored FLOWmulti exam - each step links to video guidance on how to complete the associated task:
People Involved:
Manager = this is an administrative platform role responsible for setting up, and monitoring the delivery of, the assessment. Only administrative staff can have access to this role.
Author = this is a platform role that can create online content, such as MCQ assignments and rubrics. Academic and administrative staff can have access to this role.
Reviewer = this is an academic-related platform role that can submit final agreed grades for students and review the mark history of an assessment (i.e. grades and feedback).
Video Guidance
Bite-sized video guidance on each task is below. If you require additional support or advice, please visit the AssessmentUCL Staff Support page.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Video Guidance
- 2.1 Manager tasks
- 2.1.1 Create a flow
- 2.1.2 FLOWmulti Overview
- 2.1.3 Add Authors & Reviewers
- 2.1.4 Allocate Reviewer privileges and submissions
- 2.1.5 Update FLOWmulti settings
- 2.1.6 Quality check Assignment
- 2.1.7 Set up item-based marking
- 2.1.8 Activate flow
- 2.1.9 Monitor student progress
- 2.1.10 Export final grades to Portico
- 2.2 Author tasks
- 2.2.1 Set up an Author group
- 2.2.2 Create an assignment
- 2.2.3 Add Author group to assignment
- 2.2.4 Create an item
- 2.2.5 Create a question
- 2.2.6 Configure Assignment settings
- 2.2.7 Attach assignment to flow
- 2.3 Reviewer tasks
- 2.1 Manager tasks
Manager tasks
Create a flow
FLOWmulti Overview
Add Authors & Reviewers
Allocate Reviewer privileges and submissions
Update FLOWmulti settings
Quality check Assignment
Set up item-based marking
Activate flow
Monitor student progress
Export final grades to Portico
Author tasks
Set up an Author group
Create an assignment
Add Author group to assignment
Create an item
Create a question
Configure Assignment settings
Attach assignment to flow
Reviewer tasks
View student responses, scores and stats
Submit final grades