Marker (Assessor)


The written guidance outlined on this page covers marking on the platform. Before you get started, please see Overview section for general information on the platform and Manager role.

Link to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform:

The Marking Process on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)


What can a marker (assessor) do?

Markers are called "Assessors" on the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform (Wiseflow).

Assessors can:

  • View student submissions.

  • Enter marks for student submissions.

  • Enter mark for sections they have been assigned i.e. an assessment can be split up between markers e.g. Marker 1 marks Question 1, Marker 2 markers Question 2 etc. (FLOWmulti)

  • Annotate a student submission (FLOWassign).

  • Mark using a rubric or grading form (FLOWassign, FLOWhandin, and FLOWoral).

  • Download student submissions.

  • View statistics (FLOWmulti).

A reminder that assessment instances are called flows on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow).

Assessment types in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)

Find out more about the types of assessments that are delivered on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) and their main features.

How does the assessment or flow type impact the marking options?

The marking options available to you will depend on the assessment or flow type that you are marking. The following matrix shows the options available:


Recommended browser and device set up


To enable a smoother marking experience, it is recommended that you use the two latest major versions of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Safari

Web browsers not listed here may also be used to access AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), however we cannot guarantee a consistent user experience for them. Make sure that your chosen browser is up to date at all times to prevent errors from occurring when using WISEflow. 

If you have a version of the browsers above that is more than two versions old (e.g. you have Safari 12 rather than Safari 13 or 14), you will need to update it or use an alternative browser.

Device set up

To reduce the risk of connectivity issues while on the platform, please ensure;

  • you have disabled any browser plugins (such as adblockers)

  • you are not logged onto a VPN

  • you have closed background programmes



Logging onto AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) 

Step 1: Login to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) at

Step 2: Click on UCL.

Step 3: You will be taken to the UCL sign in page, please enter your UCL username (remember to add ' and your password:

Step 4: If this is your first time logging into AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), you may be asked to accept the necessary cookies in the Privacy & Cookie policy:

Step 5: You will now arrive on the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) dashboard. Select the relevant tab at the top depending on the functions you want to use:

Select a module assessment on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)

Step 1: Select the Marking tab (Note. you may have access to more than one tasks/tabs).

Marking and moderating can only take place during the marking period. The marking period typically begins after the Participation period, when students can submit, and is configured by the Manager.


Step 2: When an assessment is open for marking, you see a green arrow and a message ‘The marking period has started’:

  1. Access the archive where you can find all your old flows that are no longer active.

  2. The flows that you are assigned to and their start and end dates.

  3. The current states of the flows.

  4. Opens the demo section where you can try out features on a demo flow.

Step 3: Click on the assessment to access the Assessment page:

Step 4: You be directed to the assessment page, which includes:

  1. Start and end date of marking period

  2. General information (including the assignment)

  3. The Marking tool (to mark papers)

  4. The Marking Overview (to review the marks you have entered and to submit these as final)

  5. Participant list (candidate/student information)

  6. Offline marking options (to download papers).

The Marking tool

Note: this guidance refers to the legacy marking tool. If you are using the new marking tool, see the New Marker Journey Guidance.

Step 1: Select the green button 'Open the marking tool':

Step 2: When you open the marking tool from the flow page you will see the student's submission and the marking options available to you.

For a FLOWassign (PDF Upload) and FLOWmulti (Online exam), you will see a copy of the student's submission which you can annotate. For a FLOWhandin (Multimedia submission) you will see a list of the files submitted, including videos, which you can preview to view. 

Here is a quick overview of the functions in the marking tool:

  1. Close the marking tool.

  2.  Navigate through pages of the submission quickly

  3. Annotation tools: Insert highlights, annotations or draw on the submission.

  4. Assessment tab. By clicking this tab, the assessor can:

    1. add a general comment to all students, 

    2. switch between participants, and

  5. Student tab. By clicking this tab, the assessor can:

    1. preview the cover sheet,

    2. view Summary - which contains all annotations that have been shared between co-assessors,

    3. write a summary comments for the participant, co-assessors or yourself,

    4. enter assessment mark, and

    5. go to submission of grades where marks can be submitted for review. 

  6. See the similarity score and click to open the detailed report.

  7. Open rubric (marking sheet), if one has been attached.

  8. Open any appendix material added by the participant.

  9. Open an overview of your annotations.

  10. Search in the submission.



Please note that a marker's rubric, annotations and comments (including private comments) are viewable to Reviewers who are moderating the assessment (i.e. module lead) or reviewing the mark history (i.e. External Examiner).

Add a summary comment and/or upload a feedback file

Summary comments can be entered as part of feedback to students. In a summary comment, you can enter typed text or upload a feedback file. A summary comment can be made viewable to external examiners and moderators in the shared summary view.

To add a summary comment or upload a feedback file:

Step 1: In the marking tool, select the Student/Candidate tab (top right tab) and click Add comment (next to Comments on this paper):

Step 2: A pop-up box will appear for you to add your comments via text or uploading a feedback file:

IMPORTANT: If you want the student to see this summary comment or feedback file, you must share your feedback with the student by selecting ‘Share with participant’ in the drop-down box (as below):


Step 3: The comment will automatically save. Close the comment pop-up box by clicking the X icon in the top right corner. The comment will automatically save.


Step 4: You can check that your comment has been saved by going back to the Student tab and checking that your comment has saved under the Comments on this paper section:

Mark via annotations

Annotations are available for FLOWassign where the student has submitted a single PDF file. If you have issues with annotating the PDF submission, please complete a staff query form.

Marking needs to take place while online and you should ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Look for the saving icon on the left hand side. 

There are THREE ways you can annotate a submission; highlight, stamp, and draw.

Open the marking tool and select the desired submission you are going to mark.

Annotation 1: Highlight text

Step 1: Click on the first tool in the toolbox in the lower-left corner. The coloured ring around the tool indicates that it is active.


NOTE: You can activate/deactivate the last used tool by pressing or holding down Shift on your keyboard. If the last used tool is the highlight tool, you can mark text and press shift to highlight the text.


Step 2: First highlight the desired text on the paper and then confirm the section you have highlighted by selecting the red tick icon:

Step 3: A pop-up menu on the right opens automatically where you can write comments associated with this annotation in the text box provided.

In this menu, you can also change the colour/formatting of the highlight; share the annotation with the student or markers; or delete the annotation:

  1. Colour of annotation– click on the appropriate colour to change the colour of your annotation.

  2. Formatting of annotation – you have the option to use a standard highlighting (as shown above), as well as the option to strikethrough or underline a section.

  3. Sharing annotation - you have the option to share an annotation with the student (participant) and/or markers (co-assessors) by selecting the relevant option in the drop down button. To share annotations in bulk, please view this section. You must share actively share your annotations if you require students to receive your feedback.

  4. Delete annotation


Step 4: The annotation will autosave as you type or change the appearance of the annotation. Once you have completed your annotation, click the X icon at the top right of the pop-up menu.


Annotation 2: Insert a stamp

Step 1: To insert a stamp, click on the middle tool in the toolbox in the lower-left corner:

Step 2: Click the section of the submission where you want the stamp to appear:


Step 3: A pop-up menu on the right opens automatically where you can write comments associated with this annotation in the text box provided.

In this menu, you can also change the colour/formatting of the highlight; share the annotation with the student or markers; or delete the annotation:


  1. Colour of stamp – click on the appropriate colour to change the colour of your annotation.

  2. Stamp symbol – you have the option to choose a variety of symbols for your stamps.  Click on the icons available to change the symbol of the annotation.

  3. Sharing annotation - you have the option to share with the participant (student) and/or co-assessors (markers) by selecting the relevant option in the drop down button . To share annotations in bulk, please view this section. You must share actively share your annotations if you require students to receive your feedback.

  4. Delete annotation


Step 4: The annotation will autosave as you type or change the appearance of the annotation. Once you have completed your annotation, click the X icon at the top right of the pop-up menu.


Annotation 3: Draw

Step 1: To insert a stamp, click on the middle tool in the toolbox in the lower-left corner:

Step 2: First, draw on the paper (i.e. circle a section of text) and then confirm the section you have highlighted by selecting the red tick icon:

Step 3: A pop-up menu on the right opens automatically where you can write comments associated with this annotation in the text box provided.

In this menu, you can also change the colour/formatting of the highlight; share the annotation with the student or markers; or delete the annotation:


  1. Colour of drawing – click on the appropriate colour to change the colour of your annotation.

  2. Sharing annotation - you have the option to share with the participant (student) and/or co-assessors (markers) by selecting the relevant option in the drop down button . To share annotations in bulk, please view this section. You must share actively share your annotations if you require students to receive your feedback.

  3. Delete annotation


Step 4: The annotation will autosave as you type or change the appearance of the annotation. Once you have completed your annotation, click the X icon at the top right of the pop-up menu.

Marking via a Rubric

Where a rubric has been added to a flow by the Manager or an Author. Rubrics can either be standard e.g. a grid of criteria by ratings, or they can be custom rubrics which allow for custom marksheets including free text, drop down menus, rating scales, numbers etc.

Step 1: In the marking tool, select the Rubric button:

Step 2: Each section of the rubric must be completed in order to approve and enter a grade. This may include sections such as text fields. You can see how many rubric elements have been completed fully by looking at the bottom of the rubric:

Step 3: Once completed, you will be able to Approve the rubric:

Step 4: The rubric will tally the total score for the student and you may be asked to enter this mark to confirm. Select Approve and enter grade: 


Step 5: The mark will be entered in the Candidate tab (fig 1) and you also have the option to re-open the rubric if you need to go back and make amendments:

fig 1:


fig 2:

For more guidance on how to create rubrics prior to marking, please see the Author guide. 


Marking: Enter a mark

You must enter a mark for each submission you are marking. To do this:

Step 1: Click the Student tab (top-right tab) in the marking tool:



Step 2: In the 'Enter grade' field, enter your mark and click the Enter grade button to confirm:


Step 3: If your mark has been entered correctly, you will see the mark populated in the top right corner (a message will also appear below to indicate your mark has been entered):

NOTE: you still need to submit your mark as final for your marking to be complete. To submit your marks, please view this section.

Sharing feedback 

IMPORTANT: The sharing of feedback elements (comments, annotations and rubrics) should be set up in advance in collaboration with the teaching administrator (Manager). The Manager can apply the default sharing options for feedback before marking begins (i.e. if feedback is to be shared with students and/or co-markers). This setting cannot be applied retrospectively so it is important to have this set up in advance, which will limit the need for markers to manually share their feedback.

  1. Sharing annotations (in bulk)

  2. Sharing an overall comment or feedback file

  3. Sharing a rubric

1. Sharing annotations (in bulk)

Step 1: Click the Annotation button, which will bring up the annotation summary, and click the blue pencil icon:


Step 2: Once you have clicked the blue pencil icon, a checkbox will appear next to the pencil icon. Tick this checkbox to select all annotations (or only the annotations you want to share):


Step 3: Click the Action dropdown button and select  ‘Share with participant’ to share the selected annotations with the student:

WARNING: Be careful when selecting the right option to action for your selected annotations.

If you select the Delete action by mistake, and confirm this action, ALL of your annotations will be lost and cannot be recovered. Please ensure that you are selecting the correct action when sharing your annotations.


Step 4: You can check that the annotations have been correctly shared with the student, by checking that the eye icon - in the example below, the icon shows as ‘All’ (meaning annotations have shared with been shared with the student and the co-assessors):

2. Sharing overall comment and/or feedback file

It is possible to add an summary comment for a student or upload a feedback file (such as if marking was conducted off the platform):

Step 1: If you have added an overall comment for a submission/student, select the Candidate tab and select the comment you want to share, under 'Comments on this paper':

Step 2: The comment will appear in a pop-up window and you can amend the sharing options by ticking the relevant option, as show below:

3. Sharing rubrics

If the default sharing option for feedback has not been applied correctly, markers would need to share their rubrics for every student.

Step 1: In the student paper, select Rubric:

Step 2: At the top of the rubric, you will see a sharing button - select the relevant option to share this rubric with the correct individual(s):

Sharing marks

Two options for sharing marks:

  1. Sharing marks with students

  2. Sharing marks with other markers (open marking)

1. Sharing marks with students 

In order for marks to be shared with students, two tasks must be completed:

  1. 'Show final grades' has been enabled by the Manager (administrator) who set up the assessment - steps here.

  2. Marks must be submitted by markers and, if your assessment is set up with Reviewer approval, marks must be submitted by Reviewers (i.e. module leads or lead markers) too - steps here.

Without these two steps, students will not be able to see their marks on the platform.

2. Sharing marks with other markers (open marking) 

Marks are not automatically shared among co-markers (assessors); until this enhancement has been implemented, workarounds are needed.


  1. Marker (i.e. second marking) is added as a read-only Reviewer by the Manager (Reviewers can view marks submitted by assessors across the assessment)

  2. Markers export their completed grade sheet and share off the platform

  3. Markers enter their mark as a comment on the paper

Marking an assessment: methods available

Below are some examples of workflows that are well-suited for marking within AssessmentUCL (WISEflow):

Suitable workflows

Workflows that are not suitable or present challenges

Suitable workflows

Workflows that are not suitable or present challenges

  • Text-based assessments that are single or double blind marked

  • MCQ type exams that are automatically marked

  • assessments with section-based marking (tutors marking different questions) and where the student chooses which questions to answer (e.g. Answer 3 questions out of 9)

  • MCQ type exams that are double marked

  • Open double marking

Marking methods 

A submission can be marked in the following ways (depending on the assessment type):

(Click the relevant marking method to go to the relevant step-by-step instructions)

Method 1: Marking online (PDF upload - FLOWassign) 

The WISEflow platform favours blind marking as each marker receives their own copy of the student submission and enters their individual/personal marks. When carrying out double marking, we recommend reviewing the following slides to get an overview of how blind marking vs. open marking is conducted on the platform.


Video Guidance

Click here to view video guidance on how to use WISEflow's marking tool to mark a PDF upload submission (coursework, take home paper etc) online.

Written Guidance

Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)

Step 2: Once logged in, select the Marking tab:

Step 3: You will be directed to a page with a list of assessments you are assigned to as a marker. Click the assessment you wish to mark (see Select a module assessment on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) for more details).

Step 4: To begin marking a submission, click Open the marking tool:

Step 5: In the marking tool, you will be directed to the first submission to mark. In the marking tool, you can:

  • mark via annotations - see section here.

  • view a summary of your annotations (and share with students in bulk) - see section here.

  • view and investigate a similarity report - see section here.

  • enter a mark - see section here.

  • enter a summary comment (to provide overall feedback) - see section here.

as well as:

  • mark via rubric (if one has been set up) - see section here.

  • have an overview of the marking tool and options - see section here.


Step 6: Once you have marked the first submission, navigate to the next submission by clicking the Assessment tab (the dark grey tab which is labelled by module code and title), a list of your students to mark will appear in a drop down menu. See this section here for more info on how to access this tab.

Step 7: Once you have completed your feedback and entered your mark, you must submit your mark as final. Please see section here.

After this step, your marking is now complete. 

Method 2: Marking online (online exam - FLOWmulti) 

Video Guidance

Click here to view video guidance video on how to mark an online exam (MCQ exam etc).

Written Guidance

Online exams (FLOWmulti) can consist of automatically-scored exams (like MCQs) or manually-scored exams that require markers to assign points to questions answered. Therefore, the following guidance covers the latter where markers can assign points and comments to student responses:


Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)

Step 2: Once logged in, select the Marking tab:

Step 3: You will be directed to a page with a list of assessments you are assigned to as a marker. Click the assessment you wish to mark (see Select a module assessment on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) for more details).

Step 4: To begin marking students' answers, click Open the marking tool:


Step 5: In the marking tool, you be directed to the first submission to mark. In the marking tool, you can:

  • add points and comments to a student's answer - see section here.

  • enter a summary comment (to provide overall feedback) - see section here.

as well as:

  • mark via rubric (if one has been set up) - see section here.

In some instances, may find that a student paper is not fully readable (i.e. if the paper contains formulas). A new marking tool, with enhanced features and layout, will be available in 2023 that will address these issues. As an existing workaround, it is recommended that markers download the paper and view the PDF in a standard PDF reader. 

Step 6: Once you have marked the first student, navigate to the next student by clicking the Assessment tab (the dark grey tab which is labelled by module code and title), a list of your students to mark will appear in a drop down menu. See this section here for more info on how to access this tab.


Step 7:  Repeat Once you have completed your marking for all student responses, , you must submit your mark as final. Please see section here.

After this step, your marking is now complete. 

Method 3: Marking online (multimedia upload - FLOWhandin) 

Video Guidance

Click here to view video guidance on how to mark a multimedia upload submission (coursework, portfolio, logbook etc) online.


Written Guidance

Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)

Step 2: Once logged in, select the Marking tab:

Step 3: You will be directed to a page with a list of assessments you are assigned to as a marker. Click the assessment you wish to mark (see Select a module assessment on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) for more details).

Step 4: To begin marking a submission, click Open the marking tool:

Step 5: In the marking tool, you be directed to the first submission to mark. In the marking tool, you can:

as well as:


Step 6: Once you have marked the first submission, navigate to the next submission by clicking the Assessment tab (the dark grey tab which is labelled by module code and title), a list of your students to mark will appear in a drop down menu.


Step 7: Once you have completed your feedback and entered your mark, you must submit your mark as final. Please see section here.

After this step, your marking is now complete. 

Method 4: Marking offline 

Written Guidance

Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)

Step 2: Once logged in, select the Marking tab:

Step 3: You will be directed to a page with a list of assessments you are assigned to as a marker. Click the assessment you wish to mark (see Select a module assessment on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) for more details).

Step 4: To download student submissions for offline marking, see this section here, or follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Download papers as a ZIP file button.

  2. In the popup, select All files in one folder, and make sure First page in the paper is selected.

  3. Click Request Zip.

  4. Wait until download is complete. Depending on the number of submissions it may take some time.

  5. Once the download is complete, click download.

  6. Unzip the folder to gain access to all your submission files.

  7. Open the downloaded exam paper folder on your preferred device. All papers will be in PDF format to annotate and mark your students work.


Step 5: Once you have marked the student submission offline, you will need to enter a mark in the platform for this submission. You can do this for each individual submission (see section here) or import and export marks in bulk (see section here).

Step 6: You can also upload the annotated submission onto the platform as a feedback file for a student to receive your feedback after the marking period - this has to be done manually for each student - see section here.

Step 7: Once all marks have been entered on the platform, you must submit these marks as final - see section here.

After this step, your marking is now complete. 


Video tutorials

Please note timings for specific chapters are outlined below each video:

Marking a PDF upload submission (FLOWassign)


00:00 - Intro

03:35 - Assessment overview page

04:41 - Download papers offline

04:50 - Mark online (open Marking tool)

05:29 - Navigate Marking tool options

06:33 - Annotating a paper

09:22 - Viewing summary of annotations / Sharing annotations in bulk

10:07 - Adding a summary comment or feedback file for student

11:12 - Enter a mark

11:34 - Move to next submission

12:08 - Submit marks

14:14 - Viewing summary of comments/annotations

16:12 - Marker agreement (if option has been enabled)


Marking an online exam or quiz (FLOWmulti) 

A FLOWmulti exam is an exam that is authored on the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform. The benefits for marking are that markers can be allocated to a specific section of the exam to mark. However FLOWmulti exams do not have Turnitin reports for markers, nor do they allow for in-line annotation e.g. highlighting, free hand draw. To learn more, please see the Getting started with AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) guide. 


00:00 - Intro

00:56 - Marking tab overview

01:22 - Assessment overview page

03:08 - Items (previously called sections)

04:00 - Navigate Marking tool options

05:08 - Marking a essay question

06:24 - Move to next submission

07:16 - Mark file upload question

07:51 - Mark audio response question

08:29 - Submit marks

10:02 - View progress of marking

10:07 - Adding a summary comment for student (and/or external examiner)

11:12 - Enter a mark

11:34 - Move to next submission

12:08 - Submit marks

14:14 - Viewing summary of comments

Marking multimedia or large file submissions (FLOWhandin) 


00:00 - Intro to online exams (FLOWmulti)

01:19 - Marking tab overview

01:49 - Assessment overview page

01:40 - Mark online

03:25 - Adding a summary comment or feedback file for student

04:25 - Download file(s)

04:30 - Navigate to next submission

06:00 - Submit marks

Marking specific questions within an exam paper

For FLOWassign submissions, students are being asked to submit their response as a single PDF. Hence it will NOT be possible to allocate markers to specific questions in the platform (i.e. section based marking) for this assessment type. 

In AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), it is possible for different markers to record marks for specific questions using the annotation tool.  However totalling marks would need to be done manually, most likely by the Module Lead. Marking questions in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) is not a requirement, and you might find it easier to instead use a Department spreadsheet.

Please see the video (7ms 1s) below from last year which demonstrates an approach to recording question marks within AssessmentUCL (WISEflow).

Marking tool: Overview 

When you open the marking tool from the flow page you will see the student's submission and the marking options available to you.

For a FLOWassign (PDF Upload) and FLOWmulti (Online exam), you will see a copy of the student's submission which you can annotate. For a FLOWhandin (Multimedia submission) you will see a list of the files submitted, including videos, which you can preview to view. 

The following video provides an overview of the marking options, please note there is no sound for this video.

Here is a quick overview of the functions in the marking tool:

  1. Close the marking tool.

  2.  Navigate through pages of the submission quickly

  3. Annotation tools: Insert highlights, annotations or draw on the submission.

  4. Assessment tab. By clicking this tab, the assessor can:

    1. add a general comment to all students, 

    2. switch between participants, and

  5. Student tab. By clicking this tab, the assessor can:

    1. preview the cover sheet,

    2. view Summary - which contains all annotations that have been shared between co-assessors,

    3. write a summary comments for the participant, co-assessors or yourself,

    4. enter assessment mark, and go to submission of grades where marks can be submitted for review. 

  6. See the similarity score and click to open the detailed report.

  7. Open rubric (marking sheet), if one has been attached.

  8. Open any appendix material added by the participant.

  9. Open an overview of your annotations.

  10. Search in the submission.

Reconciling marks

Methods of reconciling marks

There are two approaches to reconciling marks on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow).

  • Marker agreement: markers must agree and submit the same grade.

  • Reviewer approval:  markers can submit different grades which a nominated Reviewer then reconciles. The nominated reviewer could be one of the markers or the module lead*

The Manager can set which approach is used for any given assessment or flow, but they should do so before marking has started.

*IMPORTANT: For Reviewer approval, see the Moderator (reviewer) guide.


Video Guidance: Marker agreement


As of October 2022, a separate mark history is recorded on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) which will show both marker's initial marks and then the final agreed upon mark. Markers can also add a comment documenting reasons for mark changes. The External Examiner will see the marking is agreed but can look into the mark history and at any comments left to find out more.

Written Guidance: Marker agreement

If the Manager has configured the flow to required 'Marker agreement' the following scenarios will happen after a marker submits their marking:

  1. You have submitted your marking. However, the assessment has not been accepted yet, as the co-assessor has submitted their marking. This is symbolised by a padlock next to the marking that you have submitted. You must await any co-assessors for marking to be accepted.

  1. You have submitted your marking. However, the co-assessor has submitted marks that differ from yours. This is symbolised by a warning sign next to the mark that you have submitted. There is currently no way to  work through mark disagreements on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), so you are best of communicating via Microsoft Teams to identify the work through the disagreed marks. Both markers must re-submit identical marks for each paper for marking to be accepted as final. 

  1. You have submitted marks as have any co-assessors, and your marks are identical. The marking has been accepted as final. This is symbolised by a green checkmark.

Further guidance


Add an internal note for a student mark

When entering or submitting a grade, it is possible to add an internal note to the grade/mark submission for individual students (i.e. to justify your marking). The mark/grade and internal note will be visible to Reviewers (who may be approving the final agreed grade) and to Managers. This note is not viewable by other co-assessors.

Access archived assessments (flows)

30 days after the marking period has ended, flows (assessments) will become archived. When you will still have access to your marking for these assessments, but you will access this information in a different area than your assessments that are 'active' (i.e. still in the marking period).

Step 1: In the Marking tab, go to 'Assessor Archive':



Step 2: In the Archive, you will see a list of flows that you are assigned to as an Assessor (marker) - you can open an assessment by clicking on the Title or searching for the assessment via the search filter (i.e. by module code):


Check marking progress 

At any point during marking, you can check how far you have progressed with your marking submissions; i.e. see how many submissions you have yet to open, and see how many marks you have yet to submit.

Unmarked submissions (yet to be opened and marked)
Step 1: Under Marking tab, open the assessment you are marking.

Step 2: Under Participants list, any candidates with a a tick under the Submitted column that also have an empty green speech icon will indicate that you have not opened the submission and therefore not yet marked the submission.


Submissions with marks not yet submitted
In addition to entering marks for candidates, Assessors must submit the marks as final. You can check if you have any candidates remaining without marks submitted via the following steps:


Step 1: Under Marking tab, open the assessment you are marking.

Step 2: Open the Marking Overview:


Step 3: Select Mark state filter and apply the relevant filter (i.e. marks not submitted or marks registered but not submitted):


Please note that some  candidates may not have submitted any work (or were not expected to submit) so therefore there are no marks to submit. To verify this information, please refer to the Submitted column next to the relevant candidates (if there is a tick, then the candidate submitted work):

Download student submissions

Download a single student submission

  1. Select the Marking tab and select the relevant assessment to open up the overview of the marking page.

  2. Under the Participants heading at the bottom of the page, search for the candidate in the search field and click the paperclip icon next to the relevant candidate.

  3. Click the download icon.


Download all student submissions

  1. From the assessment or flow page, click Download papers as a ZIP file.

  1. Choose whether you want the files downloaded in separate folders or one folder, and if you want the cover sheet inserted as the first page or included in a separate folder. 

  2. Click Request Zip. AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) will now start generating a ZIP file for you to download. The time needed to generate the file depends on the workload on the server and the size of the file you have requested. You can close the window and return later by clicking Download papers as a ZIP file again.

  1. When the ZIP file has been generated, the window will change and allow you to download the ZIP file. The ZIP file will be available for download for 24 hours. If the deadline expires, the file must be generated again.

Submit marks 

Step 1: Marks are submitted by assessors in the Mark Overview, which can be accessed a number of ways:

From the assessment page, by either clicking the large ‘Open the mark overview’ button:

From the marking tool, simply click on the participant’s name in the top right corner, and click the button Go to submission of grades , you will be taken to the mark overview.

A summary of the mark overview is below - markers can submit grades one by one or in one go:

  1. Click in the grade column in the participant’s row, to bring up the grade menu. Here you can select a grade for the participant and click ‘Enter' to assign this mark to the participant.

  2. Where Admin Assess has been setup, you can also assign administrative assessments to the participant, to indicate if the student is present or not.

  3. By pressing ‘Submit’, the assessment of the individual participant is registered.

  4. This option will allow you to generate and download an Excel spreadsheet that can be used for offline assessment. The updated spreadsheet can be imported to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) afterwards.

  5. By pressing ‘Submit all’, your assessments for all participants are registered.

  6. This button will show you the co-assessors for the assessment.


Step 2: The Mark Overview shows a list of the participants on the assessment, a column with grades, and allows you to submit your grades individually or all in one go (the green Submit all button, highlighted):

When all grades are submitted, they will appear in the column with the padlock icon (highlighted above).


Marking: Adding points and comments to a FLOWmulti

Online exams or quizzes using AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)'s FLOWmulti assessment allow for basic comments and question marks or points to be recorded. In-line annotations e.g. highlighting, free hand drawing are not currently available. Marking forms or rubrics are also not available.

FLOWmulti exams or quizzes can include automatically marked questions, whilst questions that need manual marking can be assigned to specific markers. 

  1. Open the paper in the marking tool.

  1. Add an annotation by clicking the "+"button.


As labelled in the picture, the following tasks can be completed:

  • Add a new annotation.

  • Assign points for the section.

  • Write a comment to the section (optional).

  1. Close the annotation when you are finished.

  2. Add further annotations if required. The overall score is affected by the accumulated sum of all annotations.

  1. If the manager has set the flow up as a item-based assessment, you need to approve the sections before it is registered. When the section has been scored, press the tick icon to approve the section score. This means that you cannot add annotations except if you remove the approval again.

In the example below, two annotations have been added to the section. The tick icon has been clicked and now appears in blue indicating the section has been registered.

  1. Once you have approved all points for all sections, you should the total mark populated in the top right corner:

  1. Once you have completed your marking for all submissions and marks have been tallied for all student responses, you need to submit these marks - see section here. 

Marking: Export or Import grades

From the marking overview page in a flow, any marker can:

  1.  export their marking, or

  2. export a marksheet to input their grades, which can then be uploaded back to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow).

To export grades

  1. Open the assessment as a marker (assessor)

  2. Open the Mark overview

  3. Click Offline marking

  4. Select whether to include submissions, assignments (e.g. the exam paper) and the grade sheet. You must include the grade sheet as this will be the spreadsheet that you will enter your marks into.

  5. Click the filter submissions tab and select whether to filters students. Skip if you want to export for all students.

  6. Click the export tab and click Generate package. 

  7. Your download might take some time to be prepared. When its ready, a download ZIP file button should appear. Click the Download ZIP file button to complete the export.

An example grade sheet exported by a marker is shown below. In the example below, column B contains the candidate number, whereas column K is where your marks (grade) can be entered.

To import:

  1. Open the assessment as a marker (assessor)

  2. Open the Mark overview

  3. Click Offline marking

  4. Select Import grade sheet

  5. Select the spreadsheet exported from AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) which contains the marking.

  6. Confirm the grades have uploaded correctly. There should be a message at the top of the marking overview, and grades should appear next to the relevant students.

  7. Edit marks if required and don't forget to submit marks when marking is complete.

An example of an update message where grades have been imported is shown below.

View: A summary of your annotations (PDF upload only)  

At any point during marking, you can access a summary of your annotations (i.e. to check the feedback comments you have already written, or to edit/delete existing annotations).

Step 1: To do this, click the Annotation heading and a list of your annotations will appear:

Step 2: From this view, you can select any annotation to re-open the pop-up menu to edit (or delete) your annotation.

You can also amend the sharing of annotations (for one annotation or for all) - please view this section.


View: Turnitin similarity checking

Turnitin reports are available for assignments submitted using FLOWassign (PDF uploads). Both markers and moderators have access to Turnitin reports.

Step 1: The Similarity report can be found in the Marking tool (when you are viewing the submission). A similarity button is located near the top of the marking tool (highlighted below):

You can also view this on the assessment page, under the Similarity report column:

Step 2: From the Turnitin report, a marker can read the student's text on the left hand side and see text from any matched source in the right hand panel:

Step 3: By clicking on a source and then clicking Details in the right hand panel, the Student ID can be obtained. This ID is a AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) and Turnitin Paper ID number. It is not the UCL student number or candidate number.

Step 4: Markers can then search by this ID from the main assessment marking page to identify the candidate number of the matched text. In the example below, searching by the ID 39751000, brings up the paper for candidate DEMO3. Note, this only works where the matched UCL paper is in the same assessment.

The marker can now either open the similarity report of the matched paper by clicking the percentage score, or click the paper-clip icon to download the submission.


It is also possible to print out Turnitin reports for other staff to view; simply open the Turnitin report and click the printer icon.

Turnitin reports can also accessed by the reviewers, including External Examiners.

For guidance on interpreting Turnitin's report, please see Turnitin's help guides.


View: Word count 

AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) provides a word count to markers. However, there is no standard word counting algorithm and its word count can differ from Microsoft Word. This was also the case with Turnitin's word count feature. The word count should therefore be used as indicative only. 

WISEflow's current marking tool is known to inflate word count, particularly if the PDF submission has been converted via non-recommended methods (i.e. third party converters). This sensitivity has been addressed in the upcoming new marking tool (the final version will be released in early 2024). 

As a workaround for the interim, markers can access a more accurate word count via the ‘Submission details’ button in the Similarity report:

View: A shared summary of marking 

To view a summary of comments shared by other markers (co-assessors) for an assessment;
Open the marking tool and click the tab that shows the candidate number (if anonymised) and then click Summary as shown below:


The summary contains the following functions:

  1. Close the summary and return to the marking tool.

  2. Switch between screen view and print version

  3. Alter the size of the thumbnail.

  4. Filter out comments or annotations you do not want to see in the summary.

View: Cover sheet 

Cover sheets are set up by the Manager (administrator); there are various fields that can be added for students to complete.

Step 1: In the marking tool, select the Candidate tab and you will see a Cover sheet button:

Step 2: The cover sheet will appear as a pop-up. Scroll down to the bottom of the sheet to view the information completed by the student: 

View: FLOWmulti statistics

Detailed statistics are available for a FLOWmulti assessment to the assessor.

The assessor can open the report by opening up the marking tool, and from the assessment menu, clicking the flow statistics button.

To learn more about the statistics available to markers, please see WISEflow's FLOWmulti statistics guide.

View: Exported submission with your feedback

It is possible to export a submission with your annotations from the marking tool:

  1. Click the menu icon

  2. Click Export


Please note that this will only contain the annotations that you have made, not those made by other markers. To view annotations by other markers, you will need to go to the summary page.

Need to speak to someone or have issues with marking?

If you can't find the answer to your question in the guidance above, please raise a query via the staff support page.




Please note, images in the guidance below can be expanded by clicking on them.