New Marker Journey Guidance

New Marker Journey Guidance

The written guidance outlined on this page covers marking on the platform. Before you get started, please see Overview section for general information on the platform.

Video guidance for new marking tool features is also available. Access New Marking Tool Video Guides.

Note: the legacy marking tool is still the default option when assessments are created in WISEflow. For further information, view guidance on using the legacy marking tool.

If you would like to use the new marking tool, make sure you specify this when discussing the setup of your assessment with your programme administrators. The new marking tool will become the default option in March 2025.

New Marking Tool Overview

The new marking tool (also known as the new marker journey) aims to streamline the process of delivering feedback and entering and submitting grades.

Assessments that have the new marking tool enabled will have a blue “New Marker Journey” label next to them which can be seen in your flow overview:


Clicking on an assessment in your overview will bring up the main assessment page:

  1. The start and end of the marking period.

  2. General information, including the assignment

  3. The Marking tool (to mark papers)

  4. The Marking Overview (to review the marks you have entered and to submit these as final)

  5. Participant list (candidate/student information), including similarity report scores and individual marking deadlines

  6. Offline marking options

IMPORTANT: Marking and moderation must be completed by the end of the marking period. You will not be able to deliver feedback or enter and submit grades once this date/ time has passed. If you know you will not be able to meet this deadline, contact the module lead or your programme administrators.

Click on Open the marking tool to load the first student submission in the new marking tool:

  1. View a list of allocated participants (students), navigate to the next submission

  2. Full screen, zoom and page layout options

  3. Annotation tools and annotation list view

  4. Options to access the submission overview (including submitted files and offline marking), rubrics, submission feedback (comments) and enter/ submit grades

  5. Access common feedback (comments for all allocated students)

  6. A view of the current selected submission/ file

  7. Options to toggle the navigation panel, check internet connectivity and exit the new marking tool


Delivering Feedback in the New Marking Tool

Feedback can be delivered in three ways:


Making an Annotation

Click on the annotations dropdown menu and select one of the following, depending on the type of annotation you’d like to make:


Specific annotation formats:


  • Underline

  • Highlight

  • Free text

  • Note

  • Squiggly underline

  • Strikethrough


  • Basic shapes (square/ rectangle, circle, polygon)

  • Freehand drawing

  • Freehand highlight

  • Lines


  • Rubber stamp

  • Signature

  • Date

Tip: most of the pre-set rubber stamps are not particularly useful for marking student papers but you can create your own custom stamps.

Once you have selected a type of annotation from the dropdown menu, you can select the specific format from the annotation toolbar underneath. Further colour options can be accessed from the colour dropdown menu, including custom colours and opacity:


To make an annotation, left click to highlight your chosen piece of text, click on a space in the student submission or draw on the submission as appropriate.

When you release the left click, an annotation box will appear after a slight delay in the annotation list view to the right of the submission:


You can type additional feedback in the text field of the annotation box:


If you have added typed feedback, click Save to finish. Repeat this process as needed to continue adding annotations to the student submission.

Tip: although there are no visible formatting options for this typed feedback, it is possible to use keyboard shortcuts for bold, underlined and/ or italicised text. You can also still produce bulleted lists by entering a dash before text, or numbered lists by entering “1.” before text.

IMPORTANT: typed feedback is no longer automatically saved in annotations or comments. Make sure you click Save or Submit after you have typed any feedback in an annotation or comment, otherwise it will be lost. Unsaved feedback cannot be recovered!


Sharing an Annotation

To change who your annotation is shared with, select an annotation from the annotation list view and click on the sharing options, represented by a coloured square in the upper right corner:


From here you can choose one of the following sharing settings:

  • Co-assessors: visible only to you and other markers or reviewers allocated to the student

  • Participants: visible only to you and the student(s)

  • All: visible to you, the student(s) and any other markers or reviewers allocated to the student

  • Private: visible only to you and any reviewers allocated to the student

Note: feedback that is shared with a participant/ student is not available to them instantly. Students will only be able to access shared feedback when the following conditions are met:

  • A grade has been entered and submitted for them (the grade does not have to be released to the student)

  • The marking period has ended


  • Early release of feedback is enabled on the assessment and you have released the feedback to the student

Editing or Deleting an Annotation

To edit or delete an existing annotation you have made, select an annotation from the annotation list view. This will reveal options on the annotation to edit typed commentary, change the colour of the annotation or delete it.


You can also click the ellipsis button in upper right corner of the listed annotation to access edit/ delete options:


From here you can edit the typed feedback associated with the annotation or delete the annotation. If you are editing typed feedback, make sure you click Save to finish.

Search, Sort, Filter and Bulk Selection

There are a number of ways to search for and organise annotations:

  1. Search for an annotation. You can search by co-assessor name, annotation reference code or written commentary.

  2. Sort annotations by their position in the document, date, sharing state, co-assessor, type or colour.

  3. Enable multi select. This will produce check boxes next to each annotation, allowing you to select multiple annotations to amend their sharing settings, colour or delete them in one go.

  4. Filter annotations by co-assessor, sharing state, colour or type.

Note: while multi select is enabled, it is not possible to edit any typed commentary in an annotation. If you find you are unable to edit annotation feedback, check to make sure you have switched multi select off.


Submission/ Common Feedback (Comments)

Submission Feedback

Submission feedback can be used to provide overall commentary on a student’s submission. To leave submission feedback, click the Submission Feedback button in the upper right of the page:


The submission feedback panel will appear on the right:

  1. Add and format typed commentary.

  2. Change the sharing settings.

  3. Attach files to your feedback.

  4. Cancel (any unsaved changes will be lost).

  5. Submit your feedback.

  6. Sort and filter options. Filter existing submission feedback based on their sharing state or feedback author (co-assessor). Sort by feedback author or date.

Once you have finished typing your commentary and making any other changes, click Submit to finish. Repeat this process as needed to continue adding submission feedback.

IMPORTANT: typed feedback is no longer automatically saved in annotations or comments. Make sure you click Save or Submit after you have typed any feedback in an annotation or comment, otherwise it will be lost. Unsaved feedback cannot be recovered!

Common Feedback

Common feedback can be used to provide overall commentary to all of your allocated students. To leave common feedback, click the Common Feedback button on the left hand navigation bar:


The common feedback panel will appear on the left:

  1. Add and format typed commentary.

  2. Change the sharing settings.

  3. Attach files to your feedback.

  4. Cancel (any unsaved changes will be lost).

  5. Submit your feedback.

  6. Sort and filter options. Filter existing common feedback based on their sharing state or feedback author (co-assessor). Sort by feedback author or date.

Once you have finished typing your commentary and making any other changes, click Submit to finish. Repeat this process as needed to continue adding common feedback.

IMPORTANT: typed feedback is no longer automatically saved in annotations or comments. Make sure you click Save or Submit after you have typed any feedback in an annotation or comment, otherwise it will be lost. Unsaved feedback cannot be recovered!

Editing or Deleting Submission/ Common Feedback

To edit or delete an existing piece of submission or common feedback that you have made, click the Submission Feedback button or Common Feedback button as appropriate and find the feedback in the list.

Click on the paperclip icon to attach a feedback file, the pencil icon to edit typed commentary or the ellipsis icon to delete the feedback or amend sharing settings:


IMPORTANT: typed feedback is no longer automatically saved in annotations or comments. Make sure you click Save or Submit after you have typed any feedback in an annotation or comment, otherwise it will be lost. Unsaved feedback cannot be recovered!

Any files that are attached to your submission or common feedback can be downloaded, previewed or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon:



Marking with a Rubric

If a rubric has been attached to the flow by a Manager, you can access this by clicking the Rubrics button on the upper right of the page:


The rubrics panel will appear on the right:


Complete all necessary parts of the rubric. Once all of the required questions have been filled out, click Approve rubric:


If a grade scaler has been added to the rubric, it will automatically calculate a final grade based on your selections. Otherwise, you can type the grade manually into the text input field that appears and click Enter rubric grade to finish:


This will complete the rubric and add the grade to the upper right corner of the screen:


Note: this grade has been entered but not yet submitted. It can still be edited at this stage. See Entering and Submitting Grades for further information.

Editing and Sharing a Rubric

Note: a student’s rubric cannot be edited once you have submitted their grade. If you need to edit the feedback in a rubric after submitting a grade, ask the moderator (Reviewer) responsible for finalising grades to unlock this for you.

If the grade has already been finalised by the Reviewer, this will need to be unlocked by a Manager for the assessment first.

If you have already completed your rubric, it will need to be reopened for editing. Click on the Rubrics button on the upper right of the page to bring up the Rubrics panel.

Scroll down to the bottom of your rubric and click Reopen rubric:


You will then be able to make changes to any written/ audio feedback or select different ratings for the rubric criteria as needed. Once you have made your changes, make sure you click Approve rubric and Enter rubric grade again to finish.

Tip: it is possible to amend a grade entered through a rubric without reopening the rubric; see Entering and Submitting Grades for further information. If you are going to change the grade without reopening the rubric, make sure that it still aligns with any feedback you have provided.

Sharing settings for a rubric can be accessed via a dropdown menu in the rubric panel’s header:


Tip: you can amend the sharing settings for your rubric without reopening it.

Entering and Submitting Grades

Note: if you are marking submissions with a rubric, you must enter the grade there initially. See Marking with a Rubric for more information. Grades which have already been entered via a rubric once can be amended by following one of the processes below.

Entering a Grade

Entering Grades Inside the New Marking Tool

To enter a grade, click on the Grade button on the upper right of the page:


The grade panel will appear on the right:

  1. A summary of feedback delivered

  2. Score information, if using a rubric or marking a FLOWmulti assessment

  3. Grade entry field

Enter the appropriate grade into the grade entry field and click Enter to add this to the student’s submission:


Once entered, the grade will be displayed in the upper right corner of the page and in your list of allocated participants, which can be accessed via the left hand navigation:


Entering Grades via the Marking Overview

Navigate to the marking overview by clicking the Open the marking overview button on the main flow page:


A table displaying all of the students you have been allocated to mark will be shown on the screen that follows. Clicking in the appropriate cell of the Grade column will reveal an option to enter a grade:


Click the Enter button or press the enter key on your keyboard to finish.

Submitting Grades

Submitting Individual Grades Inside the New Marking Tool

To submit a grade for a student inside the marking tool, click on the Grade button on the upper right of the page:


The grade panel will open on the right. Once you have entered a grade for a student, you can click the Submit button underneath to finalise it:


A prompt screen will come up, giving you the opportunity to add a note to the grade audit trail if necessary. Click the submit button to proceed:


A closed padlock symbol will be shown next to the grade in the grade panel and the upper right corner of the marking tool, indicating that it was successfully submitted:


Submitting Individual or Bulk Grades via the Marking Overview

Navigate to the marking overview by clicking the Open the marking overview button on the main flow page:


A table displaying all of the students you have been allocated to mark will be shown on the screen that follows. Clicking in the appropriate cell of the Grade column will reveal an option to submit a grade individually:


You can also click the pencil button here before submitting to add a note to the grade audit trail if necessary:


Alternatively, you can submit all of the grades you have entered so far by clicking the Submit all button at the top of the page:


A prompt message will pop up showing how many grades will be submitted if you proceed. Click confirm to submit the grades:


You will then be shown a summary of successfully submitted grades:


Note: once grades have been submitted you will not be able to edit them. If a submitted grade needs to be unlocked, ask the moderator (Reviewer) responsible for finalising grades to unlock this for you.

If the grade has already been finalised by the Reviewer, this will need to be unlocked by a Manager for the assessment first.


Viewing Shared Feedback

Shared Annotations

Annotations that have been shared with you can be seen directly inside the new marking tool, where they appear on the student submission and in the annotation list view:


Shared Submission/ Common Feedback (Comments)

Submission or common feedback that has been shared with you can be seen directly inside the new marking tool, either through the submission feedback panel or the common feedback panel:


Shared Rubrics

Any completed rubrics that have been shared with you can be accessed via the Rubrics panel. Click on the Rubrics button on the upper right of the page to bring up the Rubrics panel.


Inside the panel, click on the Shared rubrics button:


This will bring up a read only version of any shared rubrics:


You can use the dropdown menu here to view a rubric completed by a different marker, if applicable.


Tips for Space Saving in the New Marking Tool

Hide the Annotation List View

To hide the annotation list view, click on the annotations button on the right hand side of the top toolbar:


If you need to see the annotation list view at any point, click the annotations button again to bring it back.

Use Zoom, Full Screen or Page Layout Functionality

Browser Zoom

Using CTRL+ or CTRL- (CMD+/ CMD- for Mac) to zoom in or out of AssessmentUCL/ WISEflow on your browser may help create more space. Zooming out to about 80% can still provide a comfortable working view depending on your device’s resolution.

New Marking Tool Zoom, Full Screen and Page Layout Options

Options within the new marking tool to change your view of the student submission can be accessed from the top toolbar:

  1. Enter full screen view. Annotations can still be used in this view.

  2. Access page layout options. If you are not using annotations to deliver feedback, Reader mode can be helpful (submission/ common feedback and rubrics can still be used in this view).

  3. Set the zoom level for the submission you are viewing. Unlike browser zoom settings, the other elements of the new marking tool (i.e. panels and toolbars) will stay the same size.

Adjust or Hide the Right Hand Panel

The right hand panel which can contain information on the Submission Overview, Rubrics, Submission Feedback or Grade can take up a lot of real estate on the page.

Hovering your cursor over the edge of the panel will allow you to click and drag to readjust the width of the right hand panel:


Tip: each panel has a minimum width. The submission feedback panel and the grade panel are the ones that can be reduced the most!

To hide the right hand panel completely, click on the Submission Overview, Rubrics, Submission Feedback or Grade button, depending on what the panel is displaying:


If you need to see the right hand panel at any point, click on any of these buttons again to bring it back.


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