Coversheets to encourage reflection on feedback

Coversheets to encourage reflection on feedback

coversheets, feedback, student-led, engagement, reflection

An IoE JISC funded project has looked at how asking students to self-reflect on their work upon submission and outline what feedback they want to receive can help both students and markers.

It can help markers to understand what feedback would best suit the needs of each student and encourages students to take an active role in their own learning.

Read more here: http://www.ioe.ac.uk/Study_Departments/LCE_AC_Principles_for_Action_on_Feedback.pdf

And the final report: http://www.ioe.ac.uk/Study_Departments/LCE_AC_FinalEvaluationReport.pdf

Here are some coversheets you may wish to repurpose for your own coursework:





If you would like to encourage students to specify which areas they would like feedback on when submitting, there are some starter templates below as Word and LaTeX. The idea is that students can take more responsibility for what they need to work on and can request particular attention on that. This might sound like extra complication for assessors but it can solve the choice of what exactly to address – and you don't have to be bound to it if you feel something else is more worthy of attention. Please treat these as a handy starting point and series of prompts to get/allow students to be more pro-active about their learning.


There are two Word files: one for the student to use and one for staff to use for returning work. The LaTeX file has both within it.