M09a8 - MyPortfolio (Mahara) Assignment in Moodle
What is it?
A MyPortfolio Moodle Assignment is a Moodle - Mahara integration that allows tutors to create assessments where students submit portfolios or pages from their MyPortfolio accounts.
Important information
Re-submitting MyPortfolio pages or collections after making changes
Tutors only get access to a copy of the portfolio via Moodle Assignments. This process ensures that changes made after the deadline are not reflected in the Moodle Assignment submission ,
Students must re-submit their portfolios after editing them, as they currently need to do with all other Moodle Assignments e.g. MS Word files.
Using MyPortfolio across a whole academic year and/or only for formative work
Please encourage your students to share their MyPortfolio work through MyPortfolio Mahara. In this way you will always be able to access the latest version of their work. Because the Moodle MyPortfolio integration creates a copy of a page or collection, you will not be able to see any updates unless students re-submit their work via Moodle every time they add something or make any changes.
If you need to mark the portfolio at the end of the year, please set-up an assignment using the MyPortfolio Mahara LTI only at the end of the course, once students have completed their work.
Why use it?
Integrating MyPortfolio assignments into Moodle provides a seamless experience for students to submit their work while allowing tutors to leverage the robust features of MyPortfolio for assessment purposes. Also, tutors can mark MyPortfolio entries and leave feedback through Moodle Assignments.
How do I set it up?
Please note, ‘MyPortfolio’ will appear as ‘MyPortfolio Mahara’ in Moodle.
Log in to Moodle as a Tutor and turn ‘Edit mode’ on.
Click Add an activity or resource and select ‘Assignment’ to create a new assignment within your course.
Under the ‘Submission types’ settings you must select 'MyPortfolio Mahara' as the submission type which is MyPortfolio.
Configure other assignment settings as required, including:
→ Assignment name
→ Assignment instructions
→ Availability to set start and due dates
→ Remember, the submission type must be ‘MyPortfolio Mahara’
→ Feedback types: select what’s relevant for the assessment
→ Submission settings: select whether you want them to acknowledge the submission statement (same for all Moodle assignments) and whether you allow multiple attempts.
→ The other settings are the same as Moodle assignments and may be left as they are.
Save the assignment.
How do I mark and leave feedback using the Moodle/MyPortfolio integration?
The marking process is the same for MyPortfolio Assignments as it is for other Moodle Assignments.
→ Log in as the Tutor in Moodle
→ Navigate to the linked MyPortfolio assignment
→ Select the submissions tab.
→ Use the MyPortfolio Mahara column to view the portfolio to mark
→ Use the corresponding area to leave feedback and the ‘Grade’ button to grade.
Further information and support
For detailed instructions and additional support, please refer to the MyPortfolio support and Guides pages within the MyPortfolio site: MyPortfolio support and Guides.
If you have questions or are experiencing any issues with MyPortfolio Assignments please contact the Digital Education team.
Meeting the UCL Connected Learning baseline
The UCL Connected Learning Baseline suggests the following for assessment:
4.1 Provide an assessment outline with a clear description of the module assessment, including schedule, criteria and submission details. To avoid duplication, this might include a link to a module webpage.
Related content
This information is provided by Digital Education
( https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/digital-education-team-information ) and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License