M64 - Lt (LTI1.3) (Lt licensed users only)
Licensed Product Warning
If you wish to use to use this software your department must purchase an official license via UCL ISD procurement. For information and contact details please send a request to Digital Education via email digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk.
What is it?
Lt (previously known as Lab Tutor) is an online learning platform with ready-to-use content for life sciences, nursing, and medicine to help engage students with life science labs and lessons. This is used via a separate site from Moodle.
This integration allows syncing between your Moodle course and Lt lessons. A Moodle course can be mapped to an Lt folder that synchronises the student's enrolments and grade data.
For more details on the Moodle/Lt integration, this video highlights how this works.
Why use it?
Students can be synchronised from Moodle to Lt.
When the sync user enrolments link is clicked, changes in the Moodle course's student enrolment are reflected in Lt: adding, removing and updating students as required. When a student is added to the Lt folder, they are sent an invite to create an Lt account.
When the sync grades button from Lt is clicked by the tutor, changes to the grades in Lt are reflected in Moodle. Grades for lessons completed in the linked Lt folder are synchronised back into the Moodle Gradebook.
Who can use it?
Lt licensed Course Administrators and Tutors can add the Lt block to their Moodle course.
Before I start...
Ensure that you have appropriate access to the Lt course you're trying to connect to.
Check that no current students are enrolled in Lt. Any students that exist in your Lt folder but not in Moodle will be deleted from Lt.
Meeting the baseline
The UCL Connected Learning Baseline suggests the following for orientation :
- 2.2 Explain participation requirements
- Identify which activities are compulsory and optional.
Provide an indicator of effort (such as timings or page counts) for all compulsory tasks.
- Explain how students are expected to use UCL and external e-learning tools. Wholly online courses might provide this information as a screen-cast video, with a voice over.
Link to instructions for any e-learning tools that students are expected to use.
For student active participation, it is suggested that:
- 9.1 Students are encouraged and supported to work with learning resources
Students should be encouraged to investigate, share or discuss through quizzes, simulations, forums, blogs, wikis, glossaries, or databases.
How do I set one up?
Adding the Lt tool to your Moodle course
- Please check that you have enough licences for your students.
- Navigate to your Moodle course and toggle Edit mode on.
In the section you want to add the content click Add an activity or resource.
- Click External tool from the options that appear.
- Give the Activity a name.
- Choose the Lt (licensed use only) tool from the list for Preconfigured tool.
Login required
When you first open the Lt tool you will be asked to login with your Lt account.
This will link your Moodle and Lt accounts to determine what content is visible to you and what permissions you have. If you don’t yet have an Lt account, talk to an Instance Administrator for your Lt instance or your ADInstruments representative.
Adding the Lt lesson content to your Moodle course
Click Select Content.
Select your Lt course name in the dropdown menu.
Use the tick box(es) to select the Lt lesson(s) you wish to link to from the course.
Only those lessons that have been published in the Lt course will appear.
Click the Link Selected Content button. This will create a Tool URL.
Click Save and return to course.
What do students see?
When they click on the activity, the student will be taken to the Lt lesson directly. If they haven't yet logged into Lt, they will be prompted to enter their Lt credentials before seeing the content.
Synchronising the student list
You will need to run this synchronisation manually every time your Moodle student list changes, for the students to have access to the Lt content in your lesson.
Keep in mind that the student list for your Moodle course can be synced with multiple Lt courses.
It’s important to check that the linked Lt lesson you use to sync students is contained within the Lt course you wish your students to be synced to.
The Lt course is displayed in the LTI tool after 'Connected to'. e.g. the Lt course CSM101 would be displayed as Connected to CSM101.
Within Moodle
1. Select the link to the Lt lesson students are to access.
2. Click the Sync Students button.
3. Read and confirm that the changes presented in the Sync Students pop-up reflect what you wish to occur.
- If the changes are as intended, select Sync Accounts Now.
- If the changes are not as intended, select Cancel and take action as necessary.
Once Sync Accounts Now has been selected, students will be sent an email invite to the Lt course the linked Lt lesson is within.
- If this is the first time a student has been invited to Lt, they must accept their email invite and follow the steps to create an Lt account. After doing so, they can then successfully follow the link from the LMS course to the linked Lt lesson.
- If a student already has an Lt account, they can ignore the invitation email. They will be able to successfully follow links to any Lt lesson from within their LMS course, so long as they are enrolled in the Lt course that contains the linked lesson.
Syncing grades
Once the students' work is graded in Lt, this process will synchronise all grades from the linked Lt lesson(s) to the Moodle gradebook.
If a lesson has a negative grade in Lt, it will become a zero score in Moodle. If a lesson has a grade greater than its maximum in Lt, then it will be reduced to the maximum grade for that lesson.
Within Moodle
1. Click the link to the Lt lesson that contains the grades you wish to sync to your Moodle course gradebook.
2. Click the Sync button next to the Lt lesson in the Sync Grades from Lt Grading section.
Any student who has linked their Lt and Moodle accounts, and has a grade for an Lt lesson, will have that grade entered into the Moodle gradebook for this Moodle course.
If no grade currently exists for that Lt lesson, a blank line in the Moodle gradebook will still be added. This can be updated by syncing grades once the grades exist.
Licensed Product Warning
Only basic accessibility checks have been carried out, with no critical findings. In the meantime, if you encounter any accessibility issues with this block, please report them to digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk.
You can also view the accessibility page for ADINSTRUMENTS.
Examples and case studies
Coming soon.
Questions & answers
Coming soon.
Further information
This guide was partly adapted from the Lt Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) Integration for Lt document.
Related content
This information is provided by Digital Education
( https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/digital-education-team-information ) and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License