M51 - IMS content package

M51 - IMS content package

Keywords: content, learning object, online lesson, pages, navigation, package

What is it?

IMS content packages can be created and edited using a number of content authoring tools. Content is usually displayed over several pages, with navigation between the pages. The content authoring software produces a zip file, which can then be uploaded to your course in Moodle. The zip file is unzipped automatically in Moodle, and the content of the package displayed.

Why use it?

Content authoring tools can assist you in the creation of bespoke content with navigation menus, buttons, and so on. The IMS content package facility enables this content to be displayed within Moodle and with some integration with course reporting facilities.

Who can use it?

  • Tutors and course administrators can upload files and view the pages within the lessons.
  • Students can view the pages within the lesson and complete the activity.

Before I start...

None at this point.

Meeting the baseline

The  UCL E-Learning Baseline  suggests the following for Resources category suggests that you should:

  • 5.1 Use descriptive titles for all items and consider displaying the item's description on the course homepage, as this helps students understand the purpose of the activity or resource.

  • 5.2 Provide learning resources - Provide presentation slides, notes or handouts. See which file format to use when. UCL policy is to provide lecture materials 48 hours in advance

  • 5.4 Check resources - Regularly fix or remove broken hyperlinks (URLs) and check that all resources are up-to-date before releasing these to students.

How do I set one up?

  • Navigate to the required Moodle course, use the toggle switch to turn 'Edit mode' on. 
  • Hover between/over the activities - a '+ '  icon will appear.  

  • Select IMS content package from the Add an activity or resource menu.
  • Give the package a name and a description.
  • Drag and drop the IMS content package zip file or use the Choose a file button to add the file to the Content area.
  • Click 'Save and return to course' to upload the file.

Further help

Further guidance on IMS content packages is available from Moodle Docs.

If you find any inaccurate or missing information you can even update this yourself (it's a communal wiki).

If you have a specific question about the tool please contact the Digital Education team.


Digital Education can provide support relating to the configuration of an IMS content package within Moodle, but cannot offer guidance relating to the construction of content itself.

Examples and case studies

None at this point.

Questions & Answers

IMS content package FAQs are available on Moodle Docs.

Further information

None at this point.

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