Moodle 4.UX - Course Format Review
Moodle 4.UX - Course Format Review
Size | Medium |
Budget Epic Name | CTP Maintenance Budget |
Jira Epic | Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. |
Feature Lead | Jason Norton / Eliot Hoving |
Key information
Working with learning technologists, Titus Learning and other external partners. We will review the use of course formats in Moodle and make decisions on what formats can be moved to Moodle 4. This decision will be made on
- Moodle 4 compatability
- Compatability with the new Moodle Theme
- Review of general theme pedagogic value and use
- Overall intention to reduce student issues of inconsistancies
- Accordance with the UCl baseline
In scope
- Report the number of (active) courses using each course format
- Install all UCL course formats on Titus/UCL Moodle
- Review all course formats for use, value
- Agree which formats will be within Moodle 4
- Seek agreement on format choice with stakeholders
- Document
- Communicate
- Consider creation an addition to course formats that includes all UCL baseline requirements.
Out of scope
Acceptance Criteria to include
Additonal Information and links
Related content
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