M06c - Manual enrolment

M06c - Manual enrolment

Keywords: manual, one-by-one, individual, one by one, time consuming, small numbers, enrol staff, not students

What is it?

Generally, you use the manual enrolment method to grant access to other members of staff, but it can be used to add students if you need to.

NOTE: Students, Visitors, Honoraries and Associate Staff will not appear in the list of potential Moodle users unless they have signed in and accepted the Moodle T&Cs.  For this reason, when enrolling students, using Portico enrolment or an Enrolment Key is preferable.

Why use it?

Grants a member of staff access to a Moodle course. Students can also be enrolled if the Portico enrolment method is not applicable.

Who can use it?

Anyone with editing permissions on a course including Tutors and Course Administrators.

Before I start...

- None  at this time

How do I...?

Enrol someone manually

  1. Login to the Moodle course.
  2. In the top course menu, click Participants.
  3. Click on Enrol users to add staff to your course.
  4. In the Enrol users pop-up window, use the Assign roles dropdown menu to choose the role you want to assign.
  5. Then to locate an individual use the search box below Select users. Type in and search for either a user's email address or their name. (E.g. first name or last name/surname or first name followed by surname). Repeat this step for all the users you want to enrol with the selected role.
  6. Click on Enrol users for the person(s) you wish to give access to your course in accordance with the role you've selected. 

UCL Moodle role descriptions

For details on roles and permissions, see the Roles and Permissions mini guide.

Unenrol someone manually

For removing students the recommended way is to reset the course (after the Moodle snapshot has been taken). However, if you are removing members of staff or need to remove selected students you can do so by following these steps.


Please note that removing students from a course will break the link with their grades, assignments and contributions (such as forum posts). Be absolutely sure you are willing to lose this information before you remove them. 

You will be able to find historic data on the UCL Moodle Snapshot - which reflects a frozen version of Moodle at the time the snapshot was taken, including any student work or grades. Before you reset a course ensure the Moodle snapshot has been taken for the year, so there is a backup of the course that you can refer to and retrieve information from. You will receive an email once the snapshot is taken - this usually occurs in July each year. 

To unenrol:

  1. Login to the Moodle course.
  2. In the top course menu, click Participants.
  3. To make the process easier, choose Roles in the Match drop-down menu, then select the role you wish to remove people from. Remember to click Apply Filters.
  4. Once you have filtered the list, scroll down and click the delete icon to the right of the person's name you wish to remove.
  5. In the warning box, click Unenrol to confirm the unenrolment. If you have changed your mind click Cancel. The person will be removed from your course. Repeat this for as many people as required.

Further help

Further guidance on Manual enrolment is available from Moodle Docs.

If you find any inaccurate or missing information you can even update this yourself (it's a communal wiki).

If you have a specific question about the tool please contact the Digital Education team.


  • Students, Visitors, Honoraries and Associate Staff will not appear in the list of potential Moodle users unless they have signed in and accepted the Moodle T&Cs.  
  • Central support staff (i.e. Service Desk) are unable to enrol staff in courses unless in exceptional circumstances.
  • Please note that removing students from a course will break the link with their grades, assignments and contributions (such as forum posts). Be absolutely sure you are willing to lose this information before you remove them. 

Examples and case studies

- None at this time.

Questions & Answers

Why can't I manually enrol a UCL student or staff member onto my Moodle course?

Has the user logged into Moodle before?

If a UCL student or staff member has never logged into Moodle, their name will not appear when using the Enrol users search box. The user will need to be contacted and asked to log-in to Moodle before they can be manually enrolled on any course. For this reason, when enrolling students, using Portico enrolment or an Enrolment Key is preferable.

Does the user's name have a middle initial?

If you searched for the user's first and last name, but the user has a middle name or initial, they will not appear in the Enrol users search box. Try searching with the % wildcard e.g. searching 'John % Smith' will return 'John P Smith'.

Is the user already enrolled in your course?

If a UCL student or staff member is already enrolled in your course, they will not appear in the Enrol users search box. Check the participants list on your Moodle course to see who is enrolled.

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