

Keywords: learning object, learning package, content, material, quiz, test

What is it?

The SCORM module enables course editors to upload any SCORM 1.2 or AICC package to a Moodle course. Note that SCORM 2004 is not supported 

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a collection of  standards that allow e-learning content packages to be authored outside of Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) like Moodle,  but which can pass information (like user sessions and quiz grades) into Moodle and other VLEs.  SCORM packages are formed of  content (text, images, video, audio, animations) and sometimes also quiz questions that test students' knowledge of the learning materials, with the grades then available within the Moodle gradebook .

AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) was a standard for delivery learning objects to VLEs like Moodle, that is no longer being actively developed or maintained, so therefore SCORM and other standards like xAPI will likely be used in its place for new learning object development.

Why use it?

If you have purchased or obtained learning objects from an external organisation you may have been provided with a SCORM package, in the form of a zip file. You can then deliver this learning package to your students via Moodle by uploading this package to your Moodle course.

Who can use it?

Course editors, such as tutors and course administrators can upload a SCORM or AICC package. You can also force a new attempt on a SCORM package.

Students can complete the learning activity.

Before I start...

Before you consider using a SCORM package in Moodle, you should consider the following.

Pros and Cons of SCORM

Can hide complexity from departmental staffSCORM packages are not supported by UCL Digital Education team. Bugs that arise (for example due to a change in Moodle or release of new web browsers) need to be referred to the content designers/authors who, ideally, should be expert in the delivery of their content via Moodle. If content is externally authored it's prudent to budget for this kind of maintenance. You can get a feel for the kind of issues that can arise by following the SCORM forum at Moodle.org.
Can allow richer visual design featuresEmbedding your information in rich visual environments has the advantage of being immediately more appealing, but also tends to make your content more difficult and expensive to change - will your material need updating? If so, how often and who will do this?
Can allow you to outsource your content productionOutsourcing is an attractive option, especially if you are pressed for time and/or need to produce something that looks good to other stakeholders. It can often work well. However, the second half of this highlighted post notes some potential issues.

If you decide to use a SCORM (or AICC) in Moodle, you need to first obtain the SCORM or AICC package as a zip file. This will have a .zip extension and is a collection of multiple files condensed into a single "zipped" file.

Meeting the baseline

The  UCL Digital Education Baseline  suggests the following for  Resources category. You should: 

  • 5.1 Use descriptive titles for all items and consider displaying the item's description on the course homepage, as this helps students understand the purpose of the activity or resource.

  • 5.2 Provide learning resources such as presentation slides, notes or handouts. See Which format should I use for my document in Moodle? UCL policy is to provide lecture materials 48 hours in advance

  • 5.4 Check resources regularly - Fix or remove broken hyperlinks (URLs) and check that all resources are up-to-date before releasing these to students.

How do I set one up?

Drag and drop a SCORM zip file to your Moodle course

This is not suitable for use for AICC packages.

This method works on most recent web browsers. If you are using Internet Explorer you need version 10 or later.

  1. Switch Edit mode on at the top right of the course page.
  2. Drag and drop the SCORM package zip file onto the course section where you'd like it to appear.
  3. Select Add a SCORM package in the popup dialogue asking what you want to do with the zip file, then click the upload button.
  4. If necessary, edit the title of the file by clicking the pencil icon, or edit other options (like grade) by clicking the 3 dots (Edit) to the right of the title, then selecting Edit settings.

Add a SCORM or AICC file manually to your Moodle course

The longer method, suitable for Internet Explorer 10 or earlier, and for AICC packages:

  1. Switch Edit mode on at the top right of the course page.
  2. Click Add an activity or resource in the section you wish to add your SCORM package, then select SCORM package.
  3. Enter a name and a description (which may be required or optional according to the admin settings).
  4. Either drag and drop a SCORM package zip file into the box with an arrow icon, or click the Add button above this to open the File picker menu in order to choose a file from your computer or a repository.
  5. Adjust any other settings as required.
  6. Click Save and display at the bottom of the page.

Further help

Further guidance on the SCORM activity is available from Moodle Docs.

If you find any inaccurate or missing information you can even update this yourself (it's a communal wiki).

If you have a specific question about the tool please contact the Digital Education team.


If the SCORM package does not play back in Moodle properly, you will need to contact the developers of the package for support.

Common troubleshooting

If you are having problems viewing a SCORM package in Moodle, then it is most likely down to one or more of these four things.

  1. The issues could be browser related. Testing carried out by Digital Education on 23 Sept. 2015 showed that SCORM packages in Moodle might have display issues with Internet Explorer and Safari, and will not have scroll options within the package in these browsers. If this is the case then we recommend trying the latest version of either Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
  2. In addition to number 1 above, there could be an issue with screen size. If you are using a smaller screen, for example a laptop, then you may have problems accessing the full package without scrolling. Hiding the side menu may help in these situations. To do this simply click the arrow (that looks like < ) in the left hand corner near the top of the SCORM package. 
  3. Some SCORM packages require Java to work. In which case, please ensure you have downloaded and installed, or enabled Java on the machine you are using. 
    1. Download from Java.com
    2. Use the Java test pages to verify if Java is enabled.
  4. If it isn't number 1, 2, or 3, then the final option is that the version of SCORM being used is incompatible with Moodle. If this is the case then you will need to contact the person whose course it is, or the person who created the package (if it is your course) and request they send you the SCORM package as version 1.2, as this is the only version compatible with Moodle. You will then need to upload this version to Moodle for it to work.

Examples and case studies


Questions & Answers

SCORM FAQs are available on Moodle Docs.

Further information

Also see: 

Moodle does not generate SCORM content. Moodle presents the content in SCORM packages to learners, and saves data from learner interactions with the SCORM package. See Creating SCORM content.

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