The UCL Moodle Miniguides explain each UCL Moodle feature, why you would use it, what to consider before you use it, how to set one up (including recommended settings), and links through to case studies and further help on the Moodle docs website. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact Digital Education.
- M00 - Navigation
- M01 - Moodle course structure
- M02 - Text editor
- M03 - Links, files and folders
- M04 - Display content directly in Moodle
- M05 - Organise blocks
- M06 - Enrolment
- M07 - Personalise your Moodle
- M08 - Discussion Forums
- M09 - Digital Assessment - an Overview
- M09a - Moodle Assignment
- M09a1 - Marking and Giving Feedback in Moodle Assignment
- M09a2 - Moodle Assignment Marking Guides
- M09a3 - Moodle Assignment Rubric
- M09a4 - Anonymous Marking in Moodle Assignment
- M09a5 - Give Feedback Using Word or a PDF reader
- M09a6 - Getting data out of a Moodle Assignment
- M09a7 - Moodle Assignment - Questions & Answers
- M09a8 - MyPortfolio (Mahara) Assignment in Moodle
- M09a9 - Moodle Assignment Allowed Attempts Setting
- M09b - Turnitin Assignment
- M09b10 - Using the Turnitin iPad App
- M09b11 - Turnitin - Service Status and Known Issues
- M09b1 - Guidance on anonymous marking in Turnitin
- M09b2 - How to Activate 'Read Only' Turnitin Assignments
- M09b3 - Marking Turnitin Assignments via Moodle
- M09b5 - Turnitin Grading Forms
- M09b6 - Turnitin Rubric
- M09b7 - Staff Turnitin FAQs
- M09b8 - The word count in Turnitin - managing inconsistencies
- M09b9 - Using PeerMark
- M09c - Moodle Assignment with Turnitin integration
- M09d - Marking and producing feedback
- M09e - Recording marks and feedback
- M09f - Reflecting
- M09g - Returning marks and feedback
- M09h - Setting an assessment
- M09i - Specifying an assessment
- M09j - Submitting an assessment
- M09k - Supporting an assessment
- M09a - Moodle Assignment
- M10 - Reading List
- M11 - Moodle gradebook
- M12 - Quiz
- M12a - Moodle Quiz for invigilated online exams
- M12b - Moodle Quiz for non-invigilated online exams
- M12c - Word Table quiz import
- M12d - Embed Quiz Questions Anywhere
- M12e - Multiple True/False Question Type (MTF)
- M12f Freehand Drawing question type
- M12g- Enabling Turnitin for essay type questions
- M12h - Moodle Quiz Safe Exam Browser for invigilated online exams
- M12i - CodeRunner question type
- M13 - Groups and groupings
- M14 - Test User Accounts
- M15 - Wiki
- M17 - Question Bank
- M18 - Hot Question
- M20 - Choice
- M21 - Lesson
- M22 - Questionnaire
- M23 - Chat
- M24 - Glossary
- M25 - Roles and Permissions
- M26 - Lightbox Gallery
- M28 - Moodle Reports
- M29 - Course completion
- M30 - Preparing your Moodle course for the next Academic Year
- M30a - Duplicating your Moodle course with the CLC rollover tool
- M30b - Duplicating a read-only Moodle course
- M30c - Duplicating a Moodle course within the academic year
- M30d - Requesting a new Moodle course or course with template
- M30e - Duplicating Moodle courses - other requests
- M30f - Updating and checking your course, ready for use this academic year
- M30g - Module mapping process for rolled-over courses
- M30h - Bulk rollover for Moodle courses (category administrators only)
- M30i - Making a Moodle course Read-Only with the Lifecycle block
- M32 - Publish as LTI Tool
- M33 - Filters
- M34 - Activity completion
- M35 - Survey
- M36 - Restrict access
- M37 - Moodle Workshop for peer assessment
- M38 - HotPot
- M39 - External Tool (LTI)
- M40 - Scheduler
- M41 - Moodle Badges
- M42 - Calendar
- M44 - SCORM
- M45 - Feedback
- M47 - Database
- M48 - IPAC - Individual Peer Assessed Contribution Tool
- M49 - Media Resource
- M50 - Attendance
- M51 - IMS content package
- M52 - MyFeedback report
- M53 - Messaging
- M54 - Custom Certificate
- M55 - H5P Interactive Activities
- M56 - Anthology Ally
- M57 - STACK online assessment for mathematics and science
- M58 - Checklist
- M59 - MATLAB Grader
- M60 - Zoom Meeting
- M61 - Hypothesis
- M62 - Learning Science
- M63 - Sketchfab 3D Model Embedding in Text Editor
- M64 - Lt (LTI1.3) (Lt licensed users only)
- M66 - Board
- M67 - Date manager
- M68 - GoReact - Video Assessment Tool
- M69 - Using Moodle's Global Search
- M70 - Labster (LTI 1.3) - licensed users only
- M71 - Sharing Cart
- M72 - LinkedIn Learning LTI - course and video embedding
- M73 - Equatio (free Chrome extension)
- M75 - Equatio (Premium Chrome extension)
- M76 - Crowdmark (LTI 1.3) - licensed users only
- M77 - Extensions
- M77 - Feedback tracker
- M77 - Granting Extensions (SORA/EC/DAP)
- M78 - Assessment categorisation
- MXX - Partial mark entry from Moodle activities - June 2023
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